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Everything posted by pink

  1. I think there is some extreme prejudice with the closure, and i didn't realize Adam was an active climber at Beacon
  2. spray has become so constructive!!
  3. Like Fly's on Shit!!!
  4. isn't Bernie Sanders no the committee feelin the burn
  5. pink


    Lemmy was playing with Rat Scabies and Captain Sensible BITD...
  6. i've only climbed with Ivan in my dreams... sigh
  7. Solid Honest Report!!!
  8. that's what the big city will do to ya... at least ur not a bearded hipster with a man bag...
  9. you are kind of a redneck... and i men that as a compliment
  10. its all BLM land now... i heard there is a stand off and the Bundys are holding strong (with snacks) in the parking lot bathroom.... The BRCA is on extreme alert
  11. i still love my webbing harness, but until i stop giving 30% of my income to gym jones... i willl never own a real harness
  12. this, and the garbage thing is why i had no qualms about paying the denali fee last year. GGK is a cheap liberal fuck... merry christmas everyone
  13. ummm yeah, this spray free forum is pretty much been watered down... i have some pretty funny PM's from select board members that would make great Christmas presents
  14. As you found out, the first (unwritten) rule of cc.com that giving people a hard time is mandatory. The second is that it is you never apologize. The third is to never take yourself too seriously, otherwise you'll run headlong into rules one and two. We're a strange and cantankerous bunch. Glad it all worked out and that you found the right audience. Maybe I'll go hurt myself there someday. I am surprised that after a year and a half since I started this thread that there are over 10,000 views and it is still being discussed. If I WERE a troll or a hoaxster, this site would be an easy mark! yeah, climbers are pretty dumb
  15. Yep, way better him than me all the way around given if it had been me there would have to be another hundred posts of outrage and then shit, you'd be overworked from all the photoshopping.
  16. There is gonna be on line on Ground Zero now!!! baa Oh look, it's already happening
  17. Yeah, Thanks Bill :kisss:
  18. there is always death trying to spill down on you... that's the best part it's funny how no one argues with Joseph anymore...
  19. that's quite the rockfall... i thought i felt a disturbance in the force
  20. No doubt, i can hear Obi-wan right now "that's no moon, it's an anchor"
  21. You? A kidder? It can't be... It should also be noted that Mark and Max were one of the earliest driving forces for free climbing on El Cap which has made his recent aid renaissance all the more interesting. All his posts on prepping for that first aid climb in decades and the resulting TR are still up on supertopo and make an interesting read as well. Tons of 'how to' stuff. He also has more of them on MP. Worth going through his old posts on both if you're interested in aid as he goes into some pretty significant detail in those old posts. yeah go through Marks old post and save urself $45 bucks
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