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Everything posted by pink

  1. This is awesome, ur civil disobedience gives me faith cheezebuger!
  2. ' i'm pretty sure a deep throat will get you much further
  3. It's hard to see from the pics, but it's formed by the arching left side of the lower great arch; everything right of that is on the East Face proper and you're up under the roofs at the base. On that note,I tried to ignore,... There is something about the left East Face closure demarc you have a problem with? Please, by all means, do tell... Deliberate requires knowledge. Knowledge requires notice. I'd be curious to know what even makes you think there was a West face closure in effect. Geoff, seriously? I mean really, that's your play, that it's an unnanounced secret that the West Face is closed? That some fault in the technical definition of 'notice' means someone who has previously been cited for breaking the closure didn't know about the closures because of a technicality in the noticing. That's ludicrously beyond disengenuous; it's fatuous and just furthers the obvious - that you aren't vaguely interested operating in good faith to cooperatively manage the resource but instead chosen to adopt an adverse relationship. From the WSP Beacon website: What a surprise!!! That couldn't possibly be because we know who's involved with AF/AC/AAC locally and that they're totally indoctrinated into taking an adverse vs. cooperative approach to the issues and the WCC and AF national don't have a clue about what's really going on. Again, specious and disengenuous at best and I would have thought you smarter than to aid and abett this utterly pointless adverse approach - you're just hardening and retrenching the agencies' position with every one of these shenanigans and manuveours as they, and your sole intent, are so completely transparent. You'll never get the closure lifted this way; at best you'll just get the WSP and WDFW to lawyer up which will just further piss them off. We can only hope so for the sake of the plumbing in your house... On the contrived technical basis they "didn't know" the face was closed? Now that's funny... Exactly. I sadly see no end to the BS (and now misplaced lawyering)... PS Better scrub your FB and blog of all mention of the West Face closure
  4. you should run for office
  5. naw man, it's kev's thread. i believe he was interested in what your favorite beacon route was - mine's anyone that's currently open i do believe yours was the complete steppenwolf
  6. Don't want to do that, it's basically my favorite stuff on cc and kind of helped get me through the last couple of years. i hear ya, i can't go to the bathroom without a good IVAN read. In fact, when i have to take a dump, i refer to it as a T.S. Eliot...
  7. i feel like where shitting all over IVANs poetry thread
  8. Does this mean your moving back to Beatardia? the North West is way to progressive for this hillbilly
  9. just out of curiosity, where did they come up with that imaginary line?
  10. hey joe, how far right of "Lost Warriors" could one push a route up Beacon?
  11. You'd be surprised what a case of KNOB HILL will get ya
  12. we tried giving them "Lost Warriors" as a peace offering, but they pissed all over themselves and declined
  13. it looks like a great route, i got a pitch up it but kinda interrupted
  14. its the second longest most sustained route at beacon
  15. the "forbidden slab" is great route….
  16. I thought you libtards were supposed to take all the pain away, not inflict it…
  17. Is this the name of a climb? i'm assuming he's talkin bou these things kevbone http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=janky
  18. I'm sure it was them Taliban mo-fo's. Allah Noct Bolt! Viva la Trad! It was an inside job
  19. yeah all that crap below is just to get to the good stuff…. but 3 stars = 1 bolt… 4 slings= 2 bolts it's basic Beaconomitry
  20. go climbing and forget about it, it's just some silly glass and someone silly stuff
  21. i think that's more for JIm to decide…. No offense
  22. i don't think they established who did it, JH just seems to be a likely suspect. he defended himself by saying, that sort of shit wasn't his cup of tea, when he has altered routes in the past. so it's all relevant as far as i'm concerned …. the route in discussion at beacon is the same guys route at ozone, i'm just not pulling fairies out of my butt hole to get a rise or start a conflict. the guy's routes i'm talking about (at beacon and ozone) is one of my best friends, and a second father to me.. definitely a pillar in the climbing community
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