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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Post deleted by tvashtarkatena
  2. Jesus, I need a cigarette break.
  3. Jamuary FreeBrewary WalMarch Gaperil Mayo D'jou? D'jouLie? AhJust SleptInber HockedOver NoMember Dismember
  4. A 13 month calendar? Anyone want to take a stab at naming the extra month?
  5. Uncles wield their own special power....
  6. Wait. We've got more than a full calendar, now. At last count, we had 4 months left, and so far Mythosgirl, ElisifHarro, Muffy, AMS, and Carolyn all added pics. If the Rooster gets an inset instead of a month, that makes 12 Women of Spray. Houston, we have a Calendar.
  7. That happened to us this weekend. Two friends just sat their while their 3 year old went at it with 130 dB wails. The dad just muttered under his breath "I'm so tired of these restaurant melt downs". Nice folks, but, for the sake of everyone else, GET THE BRAT OUT OF THERE. Why are parents so afraid to show a little authority when needed these days?
  8. I can't build a spider web worth a damn on drugs, either.
  9. I'm I the only one to note that "Clinton Two Faced" sounds like a pretty good title for a reggae song?
  10. And, if this forum is any indication, well into 'adulthood' for some.
  11. From what I've heard, tantrums reflect an unhealthy sense of being 2 years old.
  12. I was in Top 10 Toys the other day and this little girl with Shirley Temple curls was screaming and knocking all the Barbie accessories off the shelf, so I crouched down in front of her and said in a gentle, re-assuring voice "Let's go find Mommy". She continued to scream the whole time, but followed. Fortunately, the dumpster lid was already open so I was able to fling her in with a single sweeping motion. I quickly closed and chained the lid shut. As I walked back into the store and past a really frantic looking woman I could hear faint, tinny whimpers fading into quiet snuffles.
  13. Keep it up and Dru will posted that fucking Cadillac Dolphin thing...again. I feel entitled to a really cheap set of AT ski bindings.
  14. What is an "Alder"? heh heh
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