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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Heh heh. You apparently don't know me very well. Plus, I guess you'll never find out, cuz' you're the only poster here who's too chickenshit to meet me in person.
  2. Heh heh. You apparently don't know me very well.
  3. The right = commie? You're a stupid fuck. No, you didn't get it. He meant that you've got fialty to Big Idea, failed ideologies in your blood. You simply have switched it from Big Government is Good to Big Government is Bad. Both are simple, bite size world views for a complicated universe. And what's interesting is how loyally you tow the line for the Biggest Government We've Ever Had. At least Glassgowkiss displays a distrust of all government; but most particularly our obviously criminal one. That seems to be a much healthier, realistic world view. He's actually more of a true conservative than you are. And he's right on the money about you, but it's not your fault. Blame the sheep-like babushka's who spawned you.
  4. I don't believe there's a Heaven, but I hope to God there's a Hell...
  5. When did it become wrong to support biofuels? 'Yes' verses 'No'on biofuels is a simpleton's soundbite fest that would fit right in a campaign commercial. Biofuels clearly must be part of a sustainable energy future. Duh. The problem is not 'biofuels'. The problem is how biofuels are produced. Brazil has a sustainable sugar cane biofuels program (with deforestation being the cost). Being in a temperate zone, we don't have the solar energy for such a solution. Our corn based biofuels program is raping the topsoil and water table. That won't work. We need to develop either an algae based (promising, but very expensive infrastructure) solution, and/or a cellulose based solution that uses drought hardy nitrogen fixing crops like hemp or woody plants that require little to no inputs. I also hear a lot of 'conservation is not a plan' coming from the conservative crowd. This is a code word for 'we don't want to lift a finger to change'. America has not yet begun to conserve. IMO, this is THE KEY element of any energy plan. We could burn far less (and I'm talking in the tens of percentages) energy and live essentially just as comfortable and satisfying life as we do now. In some ways, with an increased amount of community sharing, our lives would be socially richer. Example: I've stayed in off the grid homes in California and Washington. They had a TV, a computer, lights, heat; every modern convenience. They used no public energy. Now, one home used a lot of wood, and other mini hydro power, but even without those systems, they used about 30% of the energy of a standard modern home with no loss of quality of life. Example: with minimal investment, my home now burns 25% of the average energy use of a home/family like mine in my area. I don't have solar water heating or photovoltaics or my own wind farm. Example: Ever been to Phoenix, LA, or Vegas ? Why arent' those entire city solar powered? There isn't any solar power to be seen, anywhere. It seems that requiring new construction to include at least passive solar in those areas would result in huge savings. I haven't even touched upon the obvious savings from transportation. Now there's an area where we haven't even scratched the surface. I'm guessing that anyone here could cut their household's energy usage by a third with no decrease in quality of life (and probably some increases). I'm guessing that America could do the same. As for the side issue of eating beef; that's simple. Eat grass locally raised grass fed beef. Sustainable, environmentally friendly (we need to maintain healthy grasslands for a variety of reasons), healthy, low transporation costs, and you can buy it directly from the farmer, saving you money and increasing their profits. So tomorrow morning, have a big bowl of rough cut oatmeal and a 20 oz grassfed porterhouse, and turn your fucking furnace off. It's June already! Enjoy.
  6. Can't we just ride cows to work?
  7. starting your data entry with an apostrophe will do the same thing.
  8. I will say one thing, if I see one more feaux-ethnic play on place names (Move in now! Fini Condominiums), I'm going to take up arson as a hobby. Ballard's also got some fake scandihoovian named 'neighborhood', but I can't remember what it is right now.
  9. Guess that makes you a papaya: yeller on the outside, pink on the inside.
  10. I've heard there may be are earth-like planets that orbit it.
  11. Under format cell, choose CUSTOM Under the pulldown, choose "dd-mmm-yy", then edit it in the box to "m-yy" That will give you the date format you are looking for.
  12. What? Is it my delivery? I liked the old Seattle. Didn't that come across. My neighborhood, however, is 10 times better than it was. Whereas I used to love perusing the used appliance stores, antique shops that were never open, and autobody joints, I'm now forced to put up with trendy pubs and bars, good restaurants, bookstores, and coffee joints, all full of hotties. It sucks. What I miss most: Chubby and Tubby. The Palm Room. The Twin Teepees. The Phinney Ridge Bakery 2 owners ago when they had the best donuts in town. Denny's was cool, too.
  13. tvashtarkatena


    You're a tewl.
  14. Like old Ed from up the street, who "damn near tore a poor guy's goddamn ass off" while the guy was in a phone booth because the old fuck confused the break of his sunbleach blue Battlestar Galactica station wagon with the accelarator. His wife was a "spaghetti bender", his garage was built entirely from pilphered county (his employer) construction material, and his Sweet 100s were his pride and joy.
  15. It sucks having all these new condo-dwelling hotties walking around my neighborhood now. Where have all the muttering blue hairs gone?
  16. The soul of Seattle is gone. It was part of Chubby and Tubby's excess inventory.
  17. My wife and I have a system worked out. If I feel that she's giving me too much grief about the amount I'm climbing, she comes home to find one of her cats skewered with an ice screw, sizzling on the rotisserie. After the no contact order expires, we talk about it.
  18. We need a shaft...to the Twenty First Century.
  19. Even the Sloop has gone hipster, thanks to the sporto crowd. It's like you can't even get in a good push fight with a toothless barfly anymore with worrying about knocking over some Ema Peel wannabe's Ducati. Wankers, all of you. Wankers, I say.
  20. Families can suck me. Just give me the night.
  21. That's one thing about software engineers. They know how to turn the thing on, click on spray, then...well, that's about it for their repetoire.
  22. Men knew the score in dear old dad's day. Look at their hobbies: taxidermy, cigar smoking, poker. Their wives ALWAYS wanted them gone. Who came up with the crazy ass idea that married couples should actually spend time together?
  23. tvashtarkatena

    obamas SEAL

    Polish Bob's mom: "Wut the Hjell you write?!!! Git fuckin' ass in hjere you leetle sheetbird before you get head ripped off and neck sheet down!"
  24. Experts on successful relationship, such as those at MSNBC, recommend encouraging her to develop her own interest, such as cooking, cleaning, and tantric technique, and home brewing. Similarly, you might think about developing interests of your own that allow you to be home. After the honey moon period is over, which can be as little as several days, she doesn't want to be with you so much as she just wants to know what you're not doing. So go ahead and rebuild that '68 Impala, breed those exotic constrictors, and learn to play those drums. Who knows? You might find that time spent pursuing your at-home interests might translate to more time you're encouraged to spend away.
  25. They have underground parking. They're required to. You just can't see it cuz, like, it's underground.
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