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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I've got an idea for a YouTube video. Glassgowkiss and I teach KKK and FW how to ice climb. I think that kind of content might drive a little traffic from the non-climbing public.
  2. Now Alaska...that's cool.
  3. Kind of like having my own blog, only people that do that are fucking goobers. Does anyone really give a shit about how your last internet date went or your last trip to Viet Nam? Fuck no.
  4. I love the commute hour...having the place all to myself. Just me and the meth head marine. Nice and quiet. Menacing, almost.
  5. That's the problem with being a conservative; you never get to hang around with any truly funny people. PJ O'Rourke and Dennis Miller are likely a bit too busy, and that's pretty much all you've got. That must suck.
  6. WHich is too bad, cuz it could really enrich your life.
  7. Course, you got me on ignore, so you're not getting any of this.
  8. Get it?
  9. It's too bad you got me on ignore, KKK, cuz that was a pretty funny one I just cut.
  10. Coldplay induces hot anger in me.
  11. Other bands I fucking hate: Dave Matthews Blues Traveler Counting Crows Smashing Pumpkins and one other that'll come to me as soon as I get pissed off enough...the suicidal kid...fucking complete crybaby...anyone? That whole whiny fucking genre can shove a hot Harley tailpipe up its ass.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    Am I the only guy in the world who thinks they blow, or am I simply not hip enough to realize that everyone else thinks they blow, too? Sack you.
  13. Mouse over her ass and you'll hear the double wet burst that launched her. Must not be an Olestra commercial.
  14. In the latest New Yorker, there's in interesting article on automated speech recognition. One of the many shortcomings of machines is their inability to interpret emotion, particularly anger. Anger, apparently, can be categorized as 'cold' (quiet, passive aggressive) or 'hot' (higher pitched, louder, openly hostile). What kind of sprayer are you? Cold, hot, or 'yoga'? Or perhaps you're just a fucking asshole who doesn't give a shit about anything? Discuss...
  15. Keds.
  16. I'm curious to hear what your basis for that statement is. I don't think I could have been much clearer.
  17. A lot of people talk about McCain's 'plan'. Well, as far as I can tell, here it is: Deficit/Economy: Make it worse. Make the Bush tax cuts permanent, + pass more. Increase military spending. Environment: Rape Alaska with a drill bit. Global Warming: No fucking clue. Nada. Energy: Drill and strip mine for coal. War: All for it. Increase the military monkey on our back. Continue to fight the mythical WOT using a platinum sledgehammer to hang a picture frame. Civil Liberties: Bend over. WOT, don't you know.
  18. It's helpful to understand the enormity of the damage caused by the spill. Prince William Sound, an enormous area, represents less than 10% of the total severely affected area: The Supreme Court should have returned the case to the lower court. Today's high court is not the proper place to second guess a non-Constitutional decision taken in the context of what was happening over two decades ago. In these days when 13 billion dollars simply dissappears, unaccounted for, in Iraq, 2 billion for such widespread damage seems like a drop in the bucket for one of the wealthiest companies in the world, and one that is currently enjoying record high profits. Considering how often we discover how corporate negligence damages public health and the environment, it seems to be in the public interest to provide a strong incentive for corporations to invest in preventing such catastrophes in the future. Hopefully, after three decades of slash and burn politics, which has brought us to the brink of environmental and economic disaster, we'll adopt a more balanced approach in the future. Probably not. Human action in the aggregate isn't much wiser than bacteria.
  19. The good news in all of this is that Prince William Sound (having just spent 10 days there) appears to have healed itself to become the pristine place it was before the spill. It's pretty amazing to go to a place on the ocean these days almost devoid of beach garbage, hardened campsites, even fire rings. The wildlife there; fish, seabirds, bears, whales, seals, otters, to name a few, is abundant and vigorous. Paddling there is like traveling through an asian brush painting; mist, bonzai trees, sculpted rock...amazing.
  20. 'Psycho nutcase' is redundant. Puti-tang has successfully re-constituted centralized, totalitarian power in Russia. The difference is, Russia has given up it's bullshit conventional military drug habit (ours is still sucking us dry), Russia has a rich energy future (ours is sucked dry), and Russia still maintains a formidable nuclear arsenal, undoubtedly still aimed (if they have any sense at all) squarely at us. The U.S. has been, in effect, complicit in Russia's rising power by refusing to pursue energy independence, supporting Putin every step of the way, launching a program of international military belligerence, creating a 'war on terror' excuse to make war on any separatist movement, anywhere, any time, and threatening Russia's allies, driving them further into Puty's arms.
  21. Heh heh. My favorite wounded mouse just hung up the phone. I crack myself up.
  22. There's nothing quite like watching two ex-commies going at it. There must be a reality show in here somewhere.
  23. Uh oh, KKK's getting picked on by the ice climbers.
  24. Heh heh. You apparently don't know me very well. Plus, I guess you'll never find out, cuz' you're the only poster here who's too chickenshit to meet me in person. ...when invited by a neutral third party, I might add. In this way, perhaps the only way, you are unique.
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