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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. tvashtarkatena


    That's just, like, your opinion, myan.
  2. I never had anything against Michiganers. Now I fucking hate them.
  3. Spray is walking backwards, naked, in a corn field, at night.
  4. No, but a few months in the region is light years further than a couchside point of view. I saw first hand what 20 years of drought, definitely a significant change in climate, had done to the high Andes. The only info we could get our hands on at the time was a Spanish guidebook that was 2 decades old. When we showed up, we quickly realized that the fine neve lines we'd picked out had become either bare vertical rock or really fucked up icefalls. Our base camp in the Illampu area was threatened by a new, 1 million cubic meter ice bulge (it had been surveyed) perched about 2000 meters over the valley. So we picked some new lines and tried them out. They all worked. But hey, this is just eye witness experience, so it doesn't mean shit compared to spray-pinion.
  5. As a matter of fact, yes. I've got a fresh copy of "Given" at my bedside. But that's not what's happening here. I'm just takin the piss as usual.
  6. Well, my statement was about members of the modern, over specialized workforce, post-merger/acquisition era, but, as a dumb-as-fuck Michigander potato-eater, you shouldn't be expected to catch that.
  7. One of my points was to highlight the danger of relying on a bunch of far away psychopaths who've never met you or anyone you know and who wouldn't give a shit if they did for your survival. Michigan is a case study at this point. Too many Michiganers opted over time to become relatively unskilled insects in a colony run by an entirely different species so they could go to work, turn their brains and hearts off, collect a paycheck, and buy mostly shit they don't need. Basically, they became farm animals in someone else's pasture. Now it's slaughter time, cuz there's no more feed left. Yeah, my heart goes out to them, but they are just the poster children for a much more systemic problem: one that extends to many of you cube monkeys out there right now reading this drivel will pretending to work on a bunch of crap you really don't care about at all.
  8. Yeah, I've done 2 climbing trips to Bolivia in their winter (also their dry season). It was Hawaiian shirts and golf umbrellas all the way up to 20,000 ft, baby! Love that equator! Can you see the equator from your house, FW?
  9. Nah. That global warming 'faithful' shit doesn't wash. "Yeah, like, you just believe it cuz everybody else does, myan". Well, everybody believes it because all the science points to the same, by now obvious conclusion. Anyone who can't grasp this by now deserves the dumb fuck, or neurotic fuck, as the case may be, award here.
  10. It's pretty clear FW's never been to the region and is, as usual, talking out his ass about not much. Pretty much 10 out of 10 experts agree that a) The global average temperature is increasing b) Weather all over the globe is becoming more extreme and c) the effects of global warming once thought to be out 30 to 50 years are happening right now, ie, even the most alarmist scientists underestimated how rapid the change would come. It's kind of sad to see a guy like this make such a fool of himself on a public forum by not grasping even the simplest aspects of climate change, not to mention the cultural ignorance. The idea that local climates just might be affected, yes, even cooled, by changes in ocean currents such as El Nino which are, themselves, effected by increased sea surface temperatures in areas far, far away...well, I would have thought that concept would be within FW's grasp. Guess not.
  11. I love you Daddy!
  12. Michigan is just one of the worst examples of an overall economic model that is unsustainable. Any model that depends on continued economic and population growth can't, of course, continue without collapse, and such collapses have historically been sudden and catastrophic. Under such a model, the inventory of public infrastructure grows to the point where it can no longer be maintained even by a growing economy. One hiccup in that growth the realization of just how far we are overextended hits home; then the shit really hits the fan. Michigan also suffers from its overdependence on a very few, very large corporations, which are now collapsing in unison, as large, integrated systems that overly rely on short term drivers tend to do. This undiversified employment model matches those of many other relatively shitty midwestern locales with comparably shitty climates in the U.S. The folks of Michigan need to look in the mirror, rather than towards Gross Point, for their care and feeding going forward. Regarding the "Who's going to buy my house?" question, the answer is "Who cares?" Primary residences should be purchased to live in, enjoy, and be stewards of, not to speculate on.
  13. Am I alone in having no clue what you're going on about here? It isn't possible that you don't realize that its winter in the southern hemisphere right now, is it?
  14. F o r e c a s t Forecast The rain's great for the garden and for working on my new project. Gone by Wed...just in time for the Dunn Artwalk this weekend. SHWEET.
  15. tvashtarkatena


    Which is a good thing, cuz I suk at climbing
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Hey, I'm just here to take pichurz
  17. Well, not sure I agree there. Child molesters have a brain disorder. That's like hating on Down's Syndrome cases for being stupid. Sure, you want to keep them away from the kiddies, but getting all riled because their brains don't work right is a waste of time. Lawyers are awesome. I know many; they're generally principaled, intelligent, irreverant, and funny. I would say politicians, biz executives, and orthodontists occupy the lowest rungs on the ladder.
  18. tvashtarkatena


    That's why I sleep zipper side opposite
  19. I consider most politicians to be of a lower order, so I expect a lower standard of behavior than the folks I hang around with. Except Ivan, of course. That fuckerz playn crazy.
  20. tvashtarkatena


    Ebbyting I post here is da twoof
  21. They've got what Republicans crave.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    What would the universe be without its empty spaces?
  23. tvashtarkatena


    Frieh certainly does beat a lot, but cut him some slack...he lacks an alternative.
  24. my anthem for a new age?
  25. Wasn't anyone deeply moved by my thoughtful post?
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