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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Trig's a fuckin' retard, just like 'is mom.
  2. You live up there and the concept of trailer trash is new to you? Get out more.
  3. but the thing is, you are a lunatic - it's kinda hard to defend the crazy, no? my example, should you actually care to read this, is the exact quote of mine you took above - "grave robber" - the post you took that from literally said your profession was not in question, that i and others in fact actually understand and respect the profession of archaeology (an anecdote i omitted in that thread, but now add - my favorite arch professor was a guy named Jim Deetz - his shit about the meaning of house shapes in the se usa was a bit beyond me, but man he was captivating to listen to - my favorite trick of his, one i've longed to reproduce as a teacher but am sadly restricted from was this; he'd often do an entire lecture w/ a cig in his mouth, talking non-stop, w/ a match in his hand - often he'd light the match and threaten the smoke, but never once did he light it - it was fucking mesmerizing and he was a lively and personable and fascinating archeologist and teacher and i can't see an iota of him in you so quit hiding behind him, you phd-wannabe-troglodyte!) You talk like that and teach school children????? I never met Deetz but I'm aware of his work...you were probably lucky to have him as a professor. I ain't Deetz and I'm not hiding behind him...I not even sure what that means. Is that some sort of insult??? I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a crowd and I don't even know if he's still alive. I've got my own gig and I do quite well. Ph.D.-wannabee? I've had mine for 21 years now, how 'bout you? I suggest you drop it, and if you want to talk about sport/trad/clean climbing, address the topic like so many haven't. And speakin' of professors with cigarettes, I knew a philosophy professor who always had a cigarette in his hand and occasionally tried to write on the chalk board with it or would accidentally put a piece of chalk in his mouth. Good stuff. When the students would bitch about him smoking in class, he'd say, "how do you like my cologne? It's called L'eau du Marlboro." I was once at a party listening to two Phd's argue, seriously, about whose apple pie was better. It's nice to see the tradition of academic infantilism carried on.
  4. Religion does suck, though.
  5. I never mentioned religion on this one.
  6. Mom thinks so. As do the hover flies. Hopefully, this shift in center-of-attention will kill this cancerous pustule of a thread. J F C, enough bitchin' already. It's mid-summer, folks. Git your asses out there!
  7. Bugs were all buzz and no bite up there. No problem at all.
  8. This afternoon I'm headed up to Raindawg, er, I mean Rainier to take my buddy from OrEEgun up. I promised him a summit attempt if he survived his recent brain tumor. Fucker's still alive, so up I go for the umpty umpth time.
  9. Nuttin spectacular. A mellow saunter up to Sprite Lake to catch up on some New Yorkers, give the camera a work out, and plan my next bolting project. Hover Fly (chrysotoxum arcuatum) But you'll never get anything spectacular out of me, anyway, because, you know, I'm primarily an alpinist with a really boring job.
  10. Hey, just back from the mountains. What'd I miss? SHEEIT, about 25 pages worth of this runny discharge. Gotta hand it to Dawg, when he needs to be the center of attention (which seems to be all the time), he knows where to come to get his fill. For the record: Dawg, we all think what you do for a living is the mostest interestingest thing in the whole, wide world!
  11. And all this time I've been thinking the planet was made of the stuff. Cavemen rule. Modern whimps who have the luxury of pontificating about the minutae of a yuppy sport from the pampered comfort of their well marbled asses suck balls. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  12. i seem to be one of the few of what one might call sportos here who can at least sense where joe is coming from, and from that place, i would say climbing is dead. it isn't adventure in that sense anymore. it's a very different experience for most people, i'd say, but i doubt it was the way joe sees it for the majority even in his heyday. even so, i have great sympathy of sorts for what i see as the death of his vision. perhaps he can simply dose before climbing? do you really climb without chalk? The adventure comes from inside you.
  13. and Obama is continuing to prop up this house of cards and bullshit "we deserve more than we could possibly afford" attitude all for now, gotta go trade my clunker in for a new car with free $$$ from Obama!!! Some people are too dumb to separate 'Obama inspired' internet ads from his actual policies. Like I said, for the lower half of this Great Nation, reality is whatever you really, really want to believe.
  14. Only a true psychopath would continue to sport a mustache like that.
  15. To be fair, our own cherished bullshit drove us into bankruptcy. Treating houses, including primary residences, as pure speculation. Praying to a combination of money and some long dead Jewish hippy. Blowing 'We're the Greatest Nation On Da Whole Earth' smoke up our own asses. Thinking we deserve more than we could ever possibly afford. Believing that we actually landed on the moon. Yoga. Yogurt. Whatever happened to Yogi Berra? Bush just tapped into the national psyche, or, well, the dumber half of it, anyway. Scamnation, we've sure fucked ourselves this time. And some of us more seasoned folk thought the Vietnam era was bad times....
  16. Get real. A president cannot drive a Great Nation into bankruptcy. Oh, wait...
  17. tvashtarkatena


    You wouldn't consult with the outgoing prez if you were newly elected? OK.
  18. Chuck Connors was a meth head????
  19. That wuz YOUR car? Hey, sorry myan....
  20. Hormones, biofuels, pesticides, blah, blah, blah. Dirt. It really is that simple.
  21. Or not.
  22. Then you might also be of the opinion that topsoil destruction might also be bad...and that growing tons of food for the next twenty years to feed an exploding population...then growing zero food for the next 100,000 years because it's no longer possible, might also be bad.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    And yet you showed up and then contributed less than Kevin E-rock...hmmmm interesting. Perhaps, E-rock perceives the waste in engaging the Josh Lewis of Spray in ten pages of intellectual lolly-gagging. Closing Gitmo is showing to be little more than expensive political window dressing. " The president has said some detainees will be tried in civilian courts, some in military commissions. Others, he said, will be held without trial because they are considered too dangerous to risk acquittal and the evidence against them cannot be used in court, either because of flaws in how it was obtained or secrets it would reveal." from USAToday sounds familiar. Only part window dressing. Closing Gitmo, closing CIA prisons, and banning torture go a long way to right the fascism of the Bush years (get it?). Now the administration has a classic politics versus rule of law dilemma: what to do with the remaining detainees with some evidence against them...gained under torture and therefore inadmissible in civilian court. If he lets them go the ReCunts scream "soft on terrorism!". If not, he violates our basic rule of law. The DOJ has tried to float an 'attenuation' policy. i.e., if you were legally interrogated more than say 6 months after being tortured, the effects have 'worn off' and that new evidence is therefore admissible. Yeah. Whatever. And you thought 'serious constitutional discussions of our time' has somehow got to be of a higher standard than our drivel. Guess again. It's a fucked situation all the way around, thanks to George Bush. Our belief in the rule of law is no longer credible. Our reputation abroad continues to be fucked. The guy never was much for thinking ahead.
  24. You're such a downer, man. Agreed. Bug's post is a sad reminder of a heretofore unnamed geriatric pathology: loss of mental faculty. I'm a bit worried about his diet: "outmeal"? See my Volunteer Park post.
  25. Um...how much math did you take in high school? Looks like not much to me.
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