I've embraced the label "unconventional"
When life throws me a curve-ball, I think to myself "At least I'm not a thousand feet off the deck without a rope... this is nothing." I'll land butter side up.
Cuz I know that, no matter what happens, there's nothing like not dying on a climb to make you feel good.
My home? Wherever my gear is.
My car? A place to live, sometimes weeks at a time.
My job? The place I go in between climbing to let my wounds heal.
I'm not the only one. We all maintain relationships with people whose universe doesn't involve the stress of dropping your entire 'biner of nuts from three pitches up a six pitch climb. People who haven't found themselves sleeping under the stars soaking wet in a sudden downpour thinking "thank goodness I'm in my synthetic bag instead of down." People who sleep inside 365 days a year and have never driven through the night. Whose hands don't sweat when they see a picture of a big rock with a crack in it. And, who don't routinely trust their and a partner's life to their collective judgment, skill, equipment, experience, and creativity.
Maybe I'm just weird by virtue of being, and spending so much time around, other unconventional people and not around enough "normal" ones.
When the "normal" ones ask where I'm going, I tell them: I've got a climb to do. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of most little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday they'll understand that.