Well, there's a wee bit o difference between stating that the government (or any other entity) probably couldn't have pulled off faking the most scrutinized plane crash in history (into one of the world's most famous and populated buildings), and believing that the government never, ever does anything right.
How do you go about making an airliner, flying exclusively over land and full of passengers, simply disappear, anyway? Do you, uh, incinerate it in mid air, without any debris?
It's the Apollo conspiracy redux: "Yeah, myan, like, those 70 story high Saturn V rockets were just a ruse, dood. I saw that film clip of the 'lunar' flag waving in the wind!" You'd think that, um, maybe a 30 story high rocket might have made for a cheaper fugazi, no?
There are photos of plane debris...but you won't find them on any one of the hundreds of Truther websites that occupy Google pages 1 through, well, a google.