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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. That reminds me, I still have a carabiner that belongs to you. What kind? It isn't my other revolver by any chance, is it? That would be coo.
  2. If it's a big ticket item, I nudge my partner off the ledge along with it.
  3. If anyone here knows Mark, please have him contact me for a retrieval. Thanks T
  4. I'll be of that.
  5. It's Sprayvember in the PNW.
  6. There's no paradise big corporate culture can't make better.
  7. This is a victory for bored, aging nouveau riche outsiders everywhere. A round of Range Rovers for the legal team!
  8. Better results if the pilot has headroom enough to get the foil inflated before takeoff.
  9. Any larger political interpretation is likely in the eyes of the beholder - it's a simple and not very unusual structure, really.
  10. Sounds like hawt Redmond on Seattle action, more accurately. The 'locals' in such areas don't usually reach for their attorney-on-speed-dial for such matters, to keep long term relationships friendly and discretion for building on their own property robust. I like the construction - minimal foundation footprint, small house design, simple materials, solar roof, quick construction (for a shorter duration project and minimal disruption to the community - usually). Kundig'ss other work is really cool. He's definitely a boon to the small house/minimalist movement. I wish more folks would follow his lead. Anyway, welcome to neo modernism. It's not going away, so hate it if you must - but that's going to be increasingly wasted energy as design and construction continues to move into the future. Sure, I'll miss the fake 2 story entry columns, the gable to the Nth Power rooflines, and mauve neighborhoods of the burbian 90s, but what's a brother to do? I suppose you'd have to sit in the thing and gaze out to really assess it's aesthetics. Judging from the pics, that's probably a really great experience.
  11. I'm gonna sue the broken toenails off of the next Mazamaite I see sporting Keen's sandals and ring-striped Smartwool socks. I've HAD IT I tell ya!
  12. Minimal footprint, too. Bored yippies with too much disposable income, I'd wager. And very happy lawyers. Welcome to Farmville, Microsoft. When I think of the good $300K could do for a cause that actually matters....
  13. Love it. The whole thing just floats. That cantilevered porch is to die for. Nothin against T111 A frames or Lincoln Log McMansions, mind you. And who doesnt just love a western theme town?
  14. Best looking cabin I've seen in the Methow.
  15. Mongo's in Marblemount is aight. Burgers, teriyaki, and a couple of other things. Mongo like burger.
  16. Hope you can share some of those awesome pics at the party this year. Congratulations on finishing in such fine style!
  17. The time has come for Selfie Free Zones.
  18. The best performing breathable midlayer insulation I've found are merino wool sweaters from Goodwill.
  19. Sen-deeng da pozeeteeve vi-braysheeonz from da numbah one staysheeon.
  20. Terrible. Just...cruel.
  21. Very nice anchors, BTW. Leader have your camera ready for top of P5 (traverse) - the view of your follower with Glacier Peak in the background, although a challenging exposure shot - is really scenic. The wall's lichened, but the route itself is quite clean. As far as a rack goes, we actually placed the following: C4: #3 blue, 1 red, .75 green, .5 purple M TCU: #3 orange Alien: green, yellow C3: #1 burgundy DMM offset nut: #9 red BD offset micronut: #6 Runners: 1 quick draw 7 extendables 4 doubles (also used for anchors)
  22. 3 separate parties - with the slowest in front. Offering to let an obviously faster party pass might cost you 15 minutes. The cost to faster parties stuck behind a slower can cost them hours. Just something for less experienced parties on busy routes to think about. The route is very scenic, exposed, straightforward, and well protected.
  23. Someone should blow up that stupid new rock/sign with the fake painted snow. Cheerist, it'd look better in front of a mall.
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