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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. LOL. Keep 'em comin, JayB!
  2. Are climbers with gender-ambiguous names more likely to encounter such an advance?
  3. tvashtarkatena


    Hint: Try dating men over 25, Cindy. No webmaster required.
  4. The good news is that it will probably make for the best Supreme Court case a pro-choice advocate could ever hope for. If it passes, it will certainly come to that in short order.
  5. Worry not, though. You've still got Billcoe fooled.
  6. Funny that you should include solar, then, as there are very few solar power plants in the US. And, while on the subject of solar power plants, CSP is a completely different and much more cost effective technology. But your 'authoritative graph' includes only the least cost effective solar technology (PV), and only for large power plants - when distributed power production (like home water heating) is much more efficient. I can't imagine why. It might just be because you lie like most people breath. Anyhoo, here's a primer for ya: Sun heats water. Water washes clothes, dishes, bodies. Natural gas heats water. Water washes clothes, dishes, bodies. Repeat for oil and coal. Heating water accounts for nearly half of all home power usage.
  7. tvashtarkatena

    Ole Miss

    This is predicted to pass by those who oppose it. Under it, women who have a miscarriage could be investigated and charged for negligence, manslaughter, or murder. No provision for rape or incest. Personhood Amendment in Mississippi Welcome to the New Christiandom.
  8. In any case, it's gonna be Romney by default. The others fuck up too much. Cain's "I don't know if the 'National Restaurant Association paid a settlement or not' will soon become a number...of course they paid a settlement for his 'false accusation'...otherwise he'd damn well know there wasn't one. Perry? Multiple fuck ups per week...pick one. Michelle who? I find myself wondering: What if congress votes for 9 - 9 - 8.37 instead? Kind of fucks up the branding, no?
  9. If he can take any valuable time out of his cc.news posting schedule, that is.
  10. The agenda of any climber who refers to his stuff as his 'kit' (an English expression) is already suspect. If he starts suggesting a 'forced bivvy', slip him a roofy before he returns the favor.
  11. You guys need to PM Fairweather...he'll come up with the relevant postings for ya out of his archives.
  12. To be fair, McCain did a pretty good job of trashing his reputation during the Savings and Loan scandal. Also, to be fair, he was being compared to Dubya during the 2000 primaries. Nuff said there. Having said that, I never heard a single librul friend of mine throw any support his way during that period. Take a long look at McCain's career and one descriptor percolates to the top: Fuck Up.
  13. Power economics is very dependent on region. Driving a plug in hybrid is not as green in the deep south as it is in the NW, for example: more coal, less NG burned there. Any discussion of fossil fuels is, by definition, short term: The environmental imperative to reduce carbon emissions gets more urgent every damn day, whether we like it or not. Either we make the choice or it will be made for us catastrophically. Of course, to the GOP short termers, science is an elitist parlour game.
  14. All true...and all omitted from that 'authoritative chart'.
  15. Kakester's an Obama man, BTW, in the unlikely event that anyone's still interested. Closet liberal...no surprise there.
  16. How many hip replacements had to go in for warranty repairs after that rally?
  17. Um...no. That's PV. Passive solar (water heating, building design, etc) costs are comparable to other energy sources. And that's with relatively immature technologies and production systems for those technologies. Nice try, though. Actually, pretty amateurish.
  18. Paul is 'principled' like McCain is 'honorable'. His supporters aren't exactly the most...how shall I put this?...discerning bunch, however.
  19. While we're on an anti-first amendment rant, I think people who express unpopular opinions by any means should have their teeth kicked in.
  20. Our nation's most principled blithering idiot. RON PAUL! RON PAUL! RON PAUL!
  21. Putting women in prison for choosing not to have an unwanted child or denying millions of poor students federal student loan assistance isn't exactly the kind of change I'm looking for, bought and paid for or not. I don't recall that Paul is self-funding his campaign, such as it is, either.... Anyway, it's irrelevant. Paul, if he continues in the race past the convention, will help nudge Obama back in and nothing more. TIA Ron! (and Rand, for that matter)
  22. You talking about the cops or the protracted. My sympathy for people getting smashed up at protests is pretty minimal when it's clear whAts going to happen and they still go..... What a pussy.
  23. I am sure this young man learned early in the Corps, that you CAN be guilty by association and WILL pay for the actions of those which you choose to surround yourself. Pity it happened, but actions have consequences. Way to blame the victim. Nice. What the hell are you fighting for, exactly (other than a paycheck and bennies, I mean)?
  24. tvashtarkatena


    Perhaps if I had been home schooled....
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