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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Cain refused to give the facts, which naturally allowed to speculate he was hiding something. The crimes in your examples weren't about marital infidelity. Trial in the court of public opinion! Guilty... you must be hiding something. Man you are a joke. Nope, not opinion. We're just going by the facts.
  2. Ya know, I don't recall any of us libtards here ever defending any Dems right to sexually harass anyone. Ever. So, what was it about the Hermanator's sexual harassment that you found OK, there, Kakester? Is he being treated 'unfairly'? LOL
  3. SO, let me get this straight, Kakester. You're defending the Hermanator's right to sexually harass the (much younger) women who worked for him, right? EEEeeeeewwwww.
  4. Shit, i didn't mean to levy the 'F' word on an Rfuck. They tend to stare into the distance and go into a minor coma at the concept. It's just not in 'em, ya know?
  5. "innocent until proven guilty" "we must wait until all the facts are known" and crimes were associated with my examples, btw Last time I checked these weren't 'allegations' awaiting 'proof', but facts.
  6. What good is a top executive position if you can't get a little 20-something nookie out of it? ...or a $100K payout... Sheeit, at least Dems can manage to seal the deal, but Rfucks aren't exactly the go to party when it comes to good sex. "Now, lay perfectly still..."
  7. BTW, pan o chocolat kicks ass on bear claws any day.
  8. My heroes are limited to Mark Twain and Mighty Mouse, but thanks for asking. I guess if a libtard did it previously it's all good. Rfucks! Go figure! Oh well, the scandal's giving the Hermanator a chance to finally go full Bozo on national TV...and I must say he's doing an AWESOME job of it.
  9. Nastia on the way to Cache Col by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Cache Col by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Survival of the Laziest by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Attack on Magic Mountain by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Drinking in the Koolaid by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Ivan and Sahale by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr CascadeRiver by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr NEButt Opproach by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Nastia NE Butt Snow Finger by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr Slide Cedar Love by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr North Cascades Botany Seminar by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr A Healthy Serving of Veggies by PatGallagherArt, on Flickr
  10. They don't let anyone on the show who can't produce a valid Master's degree, BTW.
  11. Hey, it was my only way into the Mile High Club. Whatever happened to our agreement/settlement?
  12. I fucked up the shit outta Ivan's picket on that extraction.
  13. We can finally blow the lid off this chemtrail thing.
  14. PAUL/NADER 2012!
  15. Ironically, an American gent convinced the gate agent to let BVDMan on the plane in Amsterdam without his passport.
  16. The Underwear Bomber has got to be one of the best terrorist stories of all time. BBQing your own ballz for The Cause. Pretty much burned up his pants in the process, so it made for some awesome arrest pics. Then getting charged with 289 counts of attempted murder for it. LIVIN' LARGE.
  17. Weekday
  18. Yes, they podcast, you luddite.
  19. The convention's 10 months away. A lot could happen. Huntsmen could come up from the rear (in a non-Cain-like fashion, I mean). Given the state of the GOP right now, I give that about a .00001% chance, but still... Where's Karl when you need him?
  20. Don't rush me. I'm still at the 'could use fewer reserves' stage.
  21. Oh, I don't know. Restricted calorie diet + levity = longevity.
  23. Nothin' wrong with a spoon full o sugar.
  24. I'll be a guest on Steve Scher's Weekday (KUOW) this coming Monday at 10:00, discussing Airline Security and Privacy for a certain organization. Full body scanners, No Fly Lists, Descriminatory/Abusive Security Screening. The TSA declined their invitation, claiming that their ongoing litigation with EPIC (The Electronic Privacy Information Center), who will also be represented on the show, prevents them from doing so. Funny...that didn't stop EPIC from participating.
  25. Or however many nights that was. Two and counting... ...but I'm sure they were isolated incidents. Yeah. They always are.
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