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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Number nine Number nine Number nine....
  2. You just managed to get one notch dumber. You're confusing me with my GF, who is working on her masters, you moron.
  3. Wow...you really ARE a Cain man! LOL. Jesus, you're even dumber than I thought. Frankly, I didn't think that was even possible.
  4. tvashtarkatena


    Open source, digital currency Interesting....
  5. "I was black" doesn't cut it these days, either. Plus...there's the small detail that Clarence Thomas was fantastically guilty.
  6. Adios Herman. "I was drunk" doesn't even cut it in high school anymore. Unconventional!
  7. Carry battle dressings and splints in case the dosage is a bit shy.
  8. It's sad how similar delusions are. Few crazies bother to make up their own.
  9. So can Gary Busy
  10. Manning Paul's phone bank has to be one wild ride.
  11. PHONE RADIO DJs!!!!!
  12. He just loves talking about liberty!
  13. You gotta love the 'character assassination' schtick regarding Thomas. The man was a walking sexual harrassment machine, apparently. And an infamous porn hound, apparently (NTTAWWT). I just thinks it's funny that he and the Mrs. are rockin' the whole Kristian thing while watching BIG OLE BLACK GUYZ spurting all over some 18 year old's face. I wonder if they pray together afterwards (or during?)
  14. Correction: There was no harrassment suit...just a couple of five figure severance packages that included hush hush orders to the two women involved.
  15. Kudos to Perry's team for digging up that patch a dirt.
  16. Sexual harrassment suits are not brought lightly. They are a huge burden for the plaintiffs. Need I mention poor Anita Hill, who made the mistake of speaking truth to power. The fact that there were TWO plaintiffs? Yeah...'falsely accused' my ass.
  17. When he said "the NRA MAY have paid a settlement, I don't know" yesterday, I knew it was gonna be Weinergate all over again. He's both a liar AND a dumbfuck (you'd think after Weiner he'd have a clue as to how to handle the media on this). Either way, looks like the Cain Train just went off the trestle. Too bad. He did provide some welcome entertainment.
  18. ...or denigrating any and all steps taken to ween ourselves off of fossil fuels, or taking any long view towards environmental stewardship for that matter, as 'boutique' indulgences. But, hey, that's the conservative brain: Zero vision for the future, zero creativity.
  19. Caine's slowly getting his memory back with the help of some investigative reporting.
  20. It's fine to quote for profit propaganda and doctored, even nonsensical (electric sector?) statistics that parrot an industry's agenda...just don't try to bullshit your audience that you're somehow representing a viewpoint that has anything whatsoever to do with the public interest. This is JayB's schtick. Unfortunately for him, he's not very good at it, at least with an audience that has half a brain. I'm sure he's a smash hit at cocktail parties with his own kind, though. Personally, I loath this form of propaganda under the guise of 'civil discourse'. I suppose that's kind of apparent.
  21. I mean, if Bachmann can marry a gay man....
  22. Or the first gay first lady... ...if Bachmann gets elected. When she says the gay lifestyle threatens marriage, she's not kidding.
  23. Well, five more minutes wasted dredging up our favorite shitbag's sources from the septic tank of non-profit world. Off to the GFs for some Settlers of Catan. Nighty!
  24. And its closely affiliated sister organization, the American Energy Alliance Objective information at your fingertips!
  25. Happy Halloween: All About the Institute for Energy Research "The Institute for Energy Research (IER), is a Houston, Texas-based company that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets. The IER maintains that freely-functioning energy markets provide the most financially inexpensive solutions to today’s global energy and environmental challenges and, as such, are critical to the financial well-being of individuals and society. The IER was founded in 1989 from a predecessor organization.[1] The IER conducts research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets. The group promotes free-market energy solutions. IER is a tax-exempt public foundation and is funded entirely by tax deductible contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. No financial support is sought for or accepted from the government.[1] According to the liberal watchdog group, Media Matters,[2] since 1996, $110,000 of IER's funding has come from the Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, a trust set up by private energy company Koch Industries. IER also received over $300,000 in funding from ExxonMobil, [3], but has not given to IER since 2007.[4] The Institute's CEO, Robert L. Bradley, Jr., was formerly a director of policy analysis at Enron, where he wrote speeches for Kenneth Lay. Robert Bradley has written books with titles like, "Capitalism at Work"[5] and "Edison to Enron."[6] The IER is also closely affiliated with the American Energy Alliance.[7]" Check out the pedigree of its principles. When I want credible information, I go straight to former Enron executives. LULZ deux!
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