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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. All electric, too
  2. Have you seen my sled? No you don't.
  3. I hope this doesn't mean I have to buy a baseball mitt
  4. i think the expression of that era was: "revolutions are not made of rose-water" It's also helpful to remember why people during the F Rev were so pissed off.... ....not that Versaille isn't a great tourist attraction or anything.
  5. Is there a Bone in the house? Somebody needs a play date....
  6. Who ya gonna believe, your eyes and ears or me?
  7. It's not true. I live there, but only when Prole's dad's not home.
  8. The F Rev was also a popular 'argument' against secularism of any kind at the time. It's kind of tragic when someone trots out what they think is a real zinger they've just unknowingly pulled from the recycle bin. Such is the state of education these days.
  9. Never thought I'd see 1800 era propaganda (yup, the F. Revolution was a popular argument against liberalism of any kind at the time) dusted off and reused in 2011, but some folks are JUST THAT ORIGINAL.
  10. Torture alive and well in Afghanistan Dick Cheney, YOU ARE AWESOME.
  11. But those crappy drones with all the security flaws came out of private industry!!! Who is gonna write all that single-payer software? It's already written and in use at the VA. You and the Bone should be roomies...you both operate the same way.
  12. What could go wrong?
  13. I was just on my street corner the other day shouting "Death to America" and somebody handed me $5 for bus fair.
  14. dry holes? jesus christ, i thought the modern wonders of viagra and astroglide had made that a thing of the past?!? Leak, dry hole, or amBush. Anyway you look at it, you're in for a pretty rude Saturday night.
  15. yeah, the conspiracy-theory crowd is a different breed - the 'bone's a good-guy, but he's a beatard through and through, and nothing is as beatarded as a general belief in flying saucers and weird shit like that love ya kev, keep being you! shit, it occurs to me i never got your position on the important david lee roth vs sammy hagar issue! i'm assuming your an old-skewl boi through n' through? WTF is with those OreRayGun boyz? Is it the water? Fluoridation, perhaps?
  16. The past two administrations have been in the habit of billing some of their captives as SUPER DANGEROUS (like the 700 + detainees at Gitmo released without charges...that KIND OF DANGEROUS, or bin Ladens Right Hand Man...er...driver. Sorry, but there's been such a river of bullshit flowing from DC and Langley that, call me unpatriotic, but I kinda require a bit more evidence to back up the B Movie plot these days. I don't think this guy was much more than a loud mouth.
  17. So, the possibility a 'leak' or a 'dry hole' means throwing due process out the window. WEAK SAUCE.
  18. Ft. Hood. Attempt in Detroit among others. Masterminding one mass murder and attempting another couple... quite the resume. The press has reported that these incidents were 'inspired' by him, not masterminded. That's two completely different scenarios.
  19. Who did this guy kill, anyway? Anyone? I can remember a whole bunch of Iranians yelling 'Death to America!' IN America after the Islamic Revolution...nobody shoved a missile up their asses.
  20. Why take prisoners at all, ever? Pain in the ass, yo.
  21. We know that how, exactly? Or was he just a loudmouth we really didn't like? And therein lies the rub. That's precisely why due process exists...to keep those with all the guns from bullshitting us. It's not some high and mighty ideal, it's the cornerstone of who we are, with every day, nuts and bolts ramifications. Do I think this incident was exceptional? Yes. The end of civilization as we know it? No. Was the preacher a royal prick? It would seem so. (most, if not all, fundy preachers are, regardless of stripe). Am I starting to sound like Rumsfeld? Probably. Frankly, I don't believe in American exceptionalism, nor do I believe that our citizens should be afforded any different human rights than anyone else. People are people. Well, some are, anyway. OBL was just a wee bit of a different case, however. The comparison is, well, idiotic, really. Something about the home movies he made about himself and all that. And claiming responsibility for 911. You know, small stuff. This guy denied much of the wrongdoing our government has accused him of. Hmmm..... They guy was driving down a desert road with another tool in an SUV. Wow. Tough operation to pick him up. Sounds like it woulda required a whole division at least. Look, I know it's fashionable to wax hyperbolic in the military. It's fun. But come on. Get real. How long do you think it would take to get authorization to go in? How many people in that country would be notified? How many would leak information. I am telling you from experience that these issues make such snatch and grabs "difficult" if not impossible. Of all the high end operatives we have gone after, the only one that was done with boots on the ground was OBL and this was likely more of a political decision than a tactical one. I would love to be able to snatch HVT's but the reality is that we are not able to simply fly into another country's airspace and put operators on the ground. Why they let us drop JDAMS and use Spectre fire is above my level, but I know first hand the issues in dealing with nations with serious intelligence leaks and trying to put together a complex time sensitive op while racing the clock before the targets are notified by the host nation's government. So you're saying 'throw civil liberties out the window because it's too much paperwork?' We're not working with the Yemeni govt? We don't have CIA etc in Yemen now? I don't buy it. I've heard all the same arguments before, and they always turn out to be just more bullshit.
  22. I wouldn't mind shooting that finger off.
  23. We know that how, exactly? Or was he just a loudmouth we really didn't like? And therein lies the rub. That's precisely why due process exists...to keep those with all the guns from bullshitting us. It's not some high and mighty ideal, it's the cornerstone of who we are, with every day, nuts and bolts ramifications. Do I think this incident was exceptional? Yes. The end of civilization as we know it? No. Was the preacher a royal prick? It would seem so. (most, if not all, fundy preachers are, regardless of stripe). Am I starting to sound like Rumsfeld? Probably. Frankly, I don't believe in American exceptionalism, nor do I believe that our citizens should be afforded any different human rights than anyone else. People are people. Well, some are, anyway. OBL was just a wee bit of a different case, however. The comparison is, well, idiotic, really. Something about the home movies he made about himself and all that. And claiming responsibility for 911. You know, small stuff. This guy denied much of the wrongdoing our government has accused him of. Hmmm..... They guy was driving down a desert road with another tool in an SUV. Wow. Tough operation to pick him up. Sounds like it woulda required a whole division at least. Look, I know it's fashionable to wax hyperbolic in the military. It's fun. But come on. Get real.
  24. YES So it's all down to money, huh? Amazing how cheap some of us will sell our Constitional principles. But we're all about the money...the rest of the world knows that by now. If the govt has a good case against him, they'll win it. If not...they shouldn't be in the biz of executing him, no? And as far as risking lives go...last time I checked, the draft was still inactive. Don't want the job? Don't sign up for it. Signed up for it and don't wanna do it? Well, cry me a river. The job you signed up for is to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Do it.
  25. FYI: the supreme court decided along the very same lines in those two cases.
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