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Everything posted by mkporwit

  1. Tyson -- haven't had the surgery yet. Doing pre-surgery rehab right now. Going under the knife either the 13th, or two weeks later.
  2. I tore my MCL and ACL skiing last Friday, and am now facing surgery. I have the doctor picked out (I think), but am looking for thoughts on particularly good physical therapists, preferably on the Eastside. So, anyone have a PT they want to recommend? Or should I just be going with whoever my surgeon recommends?
  3. Picked up the BD Justice in 185cm. They were all out of bindings, but Marmot had last year's BD O1 for $190, and FF will get them mounted on Tuesday, so I'll get to play hooky from work on them on Wednesday
  4. FTFW
  5. overuse is unsustainable...
  6. This recipe works out really nicely. I've been making something similar for years.
  7. mkporwit

    Repeal of DADT

    The M60 is no longer in service, it was replaced almost 15 years ago. You know, he could have been talking about the M60 machine gun, which is still in service...
  8. OMG, someone found SummitBJ important enough to parody him...
  9. mkporwit


    Oh, belated birthday wishes to you from Poland, Paul.
  10. mkporwit


    I was bored. Well, he's right, ya know. And the immigration folks dropped the "w" when my grandfather came through Ellis Island. Has something to do with ermine... not sure if that's a reference to his body hair, or that his family once raised them for polish royalty, or what...
  11. mkporwit


    I thought this thread was about our Toast
  12. mkporwit

    ICBM or Cessna??

    Nothing to see here, it's just a contrail: http://uncinus.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/4/
  13. [video:youtube]UcT4paZfflg
  14. Raw on the half shell with a bit of lemon is still the way to go... usually. However, variety is the spice of life -- I love them off the grill with a bit of tabasco ...
  15. So that's what I've been doing wrong...
  16. That's some, ummm, interesting tights you're sporting there, sobo... must have been pretty traumatic for your belayer
  17. Ingalls can be nice that time of year. And of course the ever-popular Tooth...
  18. Buy up the supply right now, hoard them, and sell them come next spring at a huge profit!
  19. mkporwit

    fucking awesome

    Also a very nice exit
  20. I assume you've already seen this?
  21. Not quite Mt. Daniel, but Mt. Hinman is close enough, isn't it?
  22. Trip: Le Petit Cheval - Spontaneity Arete Date: 7/12/2010 Trip Report: My original plans for the West Ridge of Forbidden this past weekend were kibboshed by work obligations, and so I found myself looking around for a one-day alpine rock climb. Washington Pass was calling, but I wanted to get off the beaten path yet still have it be easy, so the Liberty Bell massif was out. Instead I decided to climb the Spontaneity Arete. I had first climbed this route three years ago, and having fond memories of it decided to go back and give it another go. Four of us left Seattle at 5:30, getting to the turnout at MP165 at 9. We were moving by 9:30. The trail is much better defined than it was three years ago. Many cairns mark the way, and the hand lines are in better shape. The North Cascades Mountain Guides folks likely had something to do with this, since IIRC they occasionally guide on this route The tree that the first handline is attached to is splitting, however. The handline could benefit from being moved to another tree. We were at the base of the route at 11:30, having taken a break along the way. The topo done by NC Mountain Guides is pretty accurate, with the ratings right on to a little soft. After the first pitch we scrambled for a while, before getting to the money pitches of 5.7. The wind had picked up and the clouds came in, which was initially a welcome respite from the typical Eastern WA heat. The route was wide enough in most places to accommodate two rope teams side by side, so we made reasonable time. We topped out around 5:30 or 6. After a quick snack we contemplated the descent. The options are to downclimb the route, rappelling some sections, or to rap into the gully and descend that. We started out with the latter, but the gully is steep and chossy with a good measure of ball bearings thrown in. This made for slow going and a few tumbles. Midway down the gully we encountered firm snow, and since none of us brought crampons or ice axes we traversed over to the arete and scrambled down that. Our initial plan was to rap off the roof above pitch one -- there is a station there consisting of two pins -- but we chose to rap back into the gully. We were now below the snow, and were rewarded with cold, fresh water, which felt great as all of us had run out by now. We found our stashed packs around 9:30. From there it was another 1:15 back to the car. We managed to stay on the trail almost the entire time, which made finding the crossing over Early Winter creek easy. After the warm day, the creek was running high and fast, and fording it would not have been a good idea, at least in the spot we were at. Back at the car at 10:45, in Seattle a little after 2am. Lots of deer along Hwy 20 on the drive back, but fortunately none of them were feeling suicidal. Pics to come once I get them from my partners Gear Notes: 0.4-2", #3 came in handy once. Approach Notes: Follow the track and the cairns.
  23. We were up on Spontaneity Arete on the 11th. Approach is fine in tennies. We found very firm snow in the descent gully, but were able to bypass it. Things are melting fast out there.
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