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Everything posted by mkporwit

  1. I'm right here, honey
  2. Mods, can we get this thread moved to the Columbia Gorge forum, where this thread will feel right at home among the beatard drivel?
  3. Shouldn't this be in the "Photos of big housecats" thread?
  4. Oh come on, admit it, you'd hit that!
  5. Nice skewering, and really well done!
  6. I didn't realize that bushwhacking around Barlow Pass qualified as a summit
  7. I guess Google must have indexed G-spotter's sig line a few too many times...
  8. Umm, yeah, they still do. To a much lesser degree than they used to, but they still do. While the scientific community justly mourns the demise of Bell Labs or DEC Research, you can be sure that companies such as IBM still engage in pie-in-the-sky, what-if, Nobel-prize-potential research. Having said that, sure, more could be done: Good article
  9. Umm, I think Gary's been a little busy
  10. But now you can have it taken care of by a doctor...
  11. mkporwit

    Greek Style

  12. Fern, you might find this helpful: http://www.wildsnow.com/1677/pieps-dsp-beacon-review/ Specifically, look at the comments by Jonathan Shefftz
  13. [video:youtube]qrO4YZeyl0I
  14. The PeePoo "disposable toilet" How long before we can get these instead of blue bags?
  15. Spoken like the true son of a country known for its lousy beer, shitty wine, crap whiskey and liquor laws that would make Pennsylvania or Taxachussets blush.
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8520980.stm Notice it was the French customs inspectors that noticed, not the American wine buyers/drinkers. Then again the Red Biciclette brand wasn't targeting the discerning wine consumer, nor is the producer, Gallo, exactly known for a quality product. And in any case... the plonk that you call fine wine up in your neck of the woods is not a reason to gloat
  17. Hey Sobo, drink what you like and like what you drink... that's all that matters, right?
  18. All Washington wines taste the same and cost too much... Oregon is where it is at. Having said that, glad to see you're getting back on the horse...
  19. Time to revive this very important thread... Avery Dugana IPA, then Pliny the Elder, and now back to the Avery Dugana. Yum! The Port Brewing Mongo Double IPA was a disappointment, however
  20. Trip: Chair Peak - North Face Date: 2/20/2010 Trip Report: Kaskadskyj Kozak, SR, CS and myself decided to get in on the Chair Peak NF gang bang that seems to be going on right now. We met up in Bellevue at 4am and headed to Alpental. Setting out from the cars a little after five, we made it to the rope-up spot near NEB by 8. SR and I were the first team, while KK and CS were the second. SR got pitches 1 and 3, I got 2 and 4. SR dispatched the first pitch with some swearing and wondering where all the fat ice was. Coming up to her I didn't see much in the way of fat ice either -- some of my 17cm screws were bottoming out, and I was glad to have some stubbies. The second pitch was a steep snow slog up to the tree. Same with the third pitch, which SR managed to extend all the way to the small tree above an icy chimney. Pitch four was just another short stretch of deep snow. SR and I topped out at 1. We waited for KK and CS to finish while alternately basking in the sun and shivering when the clouds obscured it. We started the descent a little after 3. Someone has taken a big shit right next to the three-pin rappel anchor... lame! Having grabbed the snowshoes we headed down and were repeatedly tripped up by breakable crust which made the descent to the Source Lake trail painful. As we were leaving there were still some snowshoes and a couple of pairs of skis in the basin -- I feel sorry for the skiers, as conditions did not look enjoyable. We made it out to the car at 6. Pics to follow once I get them. Gear Notes: We carried pickets and pitons but our team did not use them. Had 7 screws -- 1x22, 4x17, 2x13 and used all but the 22. Approach Notes: Snowhoes very handy
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