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Everything posted by denalidave
Sorry Josh. God speed, heal up. Thoughts and prayers heading your way.
Condolences to the family and loved ones. Same thing happened a few years back at Beacon. Really sad way to end a good day climbing. Double check your set up to climb another day. I like the SHARK reminder. Thanks.
Get used to the police treating us like the enemy. I don't see the genie getting put back into the bottle any time soon. Sooner than later, we'll be under big bro's thumb where they want us... Good luck making the revolutionary stand against the most well armed/trained police/military the world has ever seen. Sure, you might hold them off for a few weeks/months (Davie Koresh style), but, you won't hold them off forever if they are out to get you and yours. Or, if you stand in their way like what is happening in MO. IMHO
Sometimes they lock it for Fourth of July or New Years to keep firework toting folk off, but otherwise, they rarely lock it. I put some grass blades in the lock to see if they did and they stayed there for many months after I put them in...
Anyone want to get out early tomorrow for opening day at Beacon?
Beacon Stoke from last summer... Young Wariors July 2013
I just got home from being away for 2 months and driving past Beacon to find a small fire burning on the west face, just below/ past the green gate.. Looks like they have a handle on it but there's still a lot of people on the trail above.
5.9c/d Yep!
I've got another cool pic of a griz rock climbing, straight up a cliff. Musta been at least 5.7, maybe 5.9. Impressive. Especially considering how chossy the rock was and it was free solo. Not to mention, no helmet...
I've got plenty of slides of bears from my years in Denali. My favorite is a huge griz taking a dump in the middle of the park road. Answering the age old question "Does a bear shit in the woods?" Not when given a better opportunity.
Looks like spray died. Again. Where's that Kritten feller these days?
I dunno, getting the shit scared out me is half the fun. Albeit, I don't tend to seek that kind of fun out like I used to. Just kind of lost interest, I suppose. I still enjoy getting a good adrenaline rush, just not inclined to climb nearly as much as I used to. When I do rarely get out, my head is shit on lead. I'm sure the bug will bite me again when I have more free time to do so.
Keep in mind, just because someone is a climber, that does not preclude them from being a dick, a methhead, a thief, or all of the above. They come in all shapes, sizes and demographics. Sure, we all want to believe "we are all brethren of the rope" but crime and assholery is common, no matter where you are. Just watch the local news and it won't take long before someone says "I can't believe it happened here" Or, "I can't believe he/she would do something so horrendous... He/she seemed so normal." This is the world we live in. As far as the never ending smash and grab affair there, seems like the good guys should set up some sort of neighborhood watch or something. Trail cams hidden but able to cover the parking lot? Rotating volunteer parking lot gaurds? Exploding ink dye packets/hydrochloric acid bated wad o cash? When is enough enough? Take your crag back, make a stand. I don't know how, but it seems so common that something needs to be done and who else is going to do it but the peeps using it the most? (IMHO)
Total bullshit. Which single one of the things I mentioned above have you guys ever once agreed with, embraced, or bothered to act upon in good faith? Really, I'm all ears. I like almost all of you guys individually, but collectively? You are your own worst enemies when it comes to the closure. The only thing you succeed at is repeatedly jeopardizing both your own aims and early opens (the only thing I really care about at this point). Sorry, came up elsewhere and not really subject to the local reality distortion field that keeps you guys from working in your own best interest. And if that means my sticking to what I believe puts me odd man out then so be it, I'm completely cool with that at this point. Well, for one I readily admit I was completely wrong thinking you guys would be willing to approach any of this objectively while operating from facts and in good faith. Dead wrong. And if you want to point out where I'm wrong on my facts or understanding of the science, law or policy please do feel more than free to do so. Right on cue.
As well as tweaker climbers.
I've heard of a LOT of car break ins there, but rifling you pack too. Sheesh! What a bummer.
And, three, two one for the long winded diatribe reply defending his thrown... I've not seen a JH post yet admitting he could ever be wrong, biased or misinformed. Ever. Then again, my memory is quite flawed... I'm quite ready to be corrected, as needed. As usual.
Actually I've brought endless 'positive' things to the conversation; admittedly they are unpalatable things like how about being objective, open, honest, transparent, and cooperative. Really awful things like suggestions that Beacon climbers be informed and understand the science, law, policies and regulations. Also some truly repugnant things like understanding how the agencies work, who the human beings are that do that work, and establishing mutually beneficial, trusted working relationships with them and the railroad. And I suppose you don't consider early opens positive though even if you do I clearly had no involvement in helping secure any of them. So yeah, nothing positive - ever. But let's be excruciatingly clear - all of those things were repeatedly rejected out-of-hand again and again and in their place I see nothing but wailing victimhood; incessant whining; wishful thinking; a totally bad-faith, disingenuous and antagonistic approach to the dealing with the issues; not to mention one uninformed and ill-advised antic after another which just keep on solidly working against your own stated interest. But hey, I gave up long ago so be my guest, by all means do keep banging your heads against that wall because, hey, you know, some Feb 1st it's going to just automagically work out for you because, doggone it, you're nice people and its all so unfair. Well, now that you mention it, I do. Despite your many talents, have you ever considered the possibility that you may be a narcissist? Just curios... Nothing/no one is ever up to your apparent standard... We all just want to buck the system, F the man, do ill to the collective Beatard society. I agree w Kevin on this one. No matter what the other locals do, say or agree on, you'll sit on your Norseman's throne casting disparagements on the rest of the locals. Lighten up, Joe!
Keep the flame going!
Understatement of the week...
Just to pick up some of those cute Sthailors...