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Everything posted by gertlush

  1. I thought America was broke too? The Europeans spent their money on vacations and cushy pensions, America on misguided foreign adventures.
  2. I think climbers should be a little cautious about throwing around the word "gay", what's that saying about glass house & stones?
  3. Hockey into June is just wrong.
  4. In case anyone doesn't feel like clicking on the link let me summarize: Whoa, climbing is like, hard. And now, with more people, more training and more knowledge, like, the number grades are totally going up. Sort of like skateboarding, Wolfgang Gullich is totally like Tony Hawk, both are gnar. In the future people will climb V20 and 5.16, it'll be rad. But you know what, grades are kinda subjective, like somebody tall might find something easier than somebody who is short, weird huh? But everybody is different and that's cool and we should all like, just go climbing and love it.
  5. 'Kinga'? Isn't that from the Lion King or something? Still better than some snooty Brit though
  6. If only George were still running the show, he woulda smoked out them evil doers.
  7. No shit! America's first zombie vice-president Enough with the mesmer-vision!
  8. Whoa he looks a little intense. Might want to loosen that thing around his neck a bit. I don't think I could even look him in the eye if I was having a conversation, I might get hypnotized.
  9. I would say they are fairly representative of the American public at large.
  10. Those pictures obviously show the handiwork of castor canadensis aka the beaver.
  11. The great thing about this thread is it has introduced me to that 'epic fail' website, haha that shit's hilarious I can now thank cc.com for showing me that and also 'i can has cheezburger', surely two of the greatest gifts of the internet age.
  12. Visible from space...with a satellite. Meh, call me jaded but if the CIA can read the name on my underpants from space then some giant beaver dam shouldn't be a problem.
  13. You should've seen the shit I took this morning, that would blow your epic-lovin mind
  14. It's half the reason I keep lurking around here anymore, anybody actually visited the site yet?
  15. I think it is definitely an upgrade versus that blonde fitness single
  16. I've got all of July off this year as I'm moving towns, I'd like to take some time in there to do some climbing. Also I find it works better for me if I book things way in advance so I can schedule around it. I'd be interested in linking up Alpha/Serratus in the Tantalus trooping off into the middle of Garibaldi Park to climb stuff like Davidson, the Sphinx etc. Maybe Redoubt or Shuksan, out towards Bella Coola in the Niut Range... I lean towards more stuff like ridges, traverses, lots of 3rd/4th class. Could meet up in Squamish for a weekend before hand as well
  17. What's all this talk about work ethics & shit... I've met lots of successful people who work hard but don't feel the need to bust their ass, both corporate & entrepreneurs. Just because you have a sensible work/life balance doesn't mean you're a slacker. I was more thinking about people who have to tell everyone how indispensable & important they are by the time they put in. It probably just means you're working inefficiently.
  18. ...all I can think is "Good for you, you're a tool" Anybody have any insight?
  19. gertlush


    I thought climbers smoke weed over drinking
  20. Yeah seemed like kind of a weird comment to make in a thread where somebody is asking for equipment advice.
  21. One of the best things about climbing is how you meet diverse people you probably would never encounter otherwise. All social classes, all ages, it's the big melting pot sickie
  22. gertlush


    I was going to go see it but then checked the running time, 2 hours & 40 minutes!! I'm guessing lots of CGI battle scenes & big explosions yawn
  23. Ha that video alone justifies spray's existence
  24. I think the Seahawks have been in a "rebuilding period" for all but a couple of years of their existence. They've had some bad luck the past couple of years though. Cowboys are gonna beat up on Favre & he's gonna throw 4 INTs.
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