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Everything posted by StevenSeagal

  1. I have. And I'm not interested in working an extra ten hours per week for the rest of my life because you and Prole can't manage your personal finances. hey I'm just trying to share- what's mine is yours! Debts included! I'm off to Best Buy to get a flat screen- can I borrow your Visa card?
  2. StevenSeagal


    You're behind, Kimmo. I'm talkin' 'bout a Yankee Rose...
  3. StevenSeagal


    "wah!-wah!" "What" "wahhhhhh-wah!" "well let me roll up onto the sidewalk and take a look!!" sickie
  4. The same guy who listened and nodded approvingly to Mr. "the only hope for our country is for Osama bin Laden to stage a massive attack inside the United States. Btw Limbaugh yesterday said "now if only the Honduran military would come here and help us get our own government back..." anyone going teabagging tomorrow?
  5. Freedom isn't free. Maybe not, but you're just jealous because I got my freedom for a great introductory rate of just 2.9% with no money down and zero payments for 18 months, at which point account is subject to a nominal APR of 24.98% and back interest.
  6. Just as soon as I pay off these credit cards and car loans. And mortgage. And Bed Bath and Beyond charge account. And...
  7. Hey man, when you gonna realize that the beauty of capitalism is that anyone who works hard will eventually become filthy rich and control everything! I'm almost there, how bout you?
  8. StevenSeagal


    Youre right though, I suppose he could have posted the "Yankee Rose" video instead.
  9. StevenSeagal


    I just posted that hoping I'd get a lecture from kevbone on how tough 5.13 is... Oh and I think it's .13d, not 13.d
  10. StevenSeagal


  11. Hey 5K, can you drop another coiler in here? This thread needs one.
  12. Has this guy actually climbed any of these routes? I have a hard time believing that anyone who says this about the Muir snowfield: or who would say this at all: would have climbed NNorwegian buttress? But who knows!
  13. No, Savage was too busy demanding we drop hydrogen bombs on every middle east capitol city and worrying about gays and mexicans taking over the country.
  14. Heard this morning on Glenn Beck: "we need to have a revolution...peaceful of course...before your freedom is taken away forever!" Any takers? Edit- right after, lady calls the show on the phone "to express her anger" because when she called her congressman's office to gripe about his vote the staffer said she "sounded like one of those right wing wackos who listens to talk radio". Anyway, Beck (aka Rush's retarded little brother) is working hard to organize a peoples coup d'état. Peaceful, of course! First thing is to get more people out for tea bagging parties this weekend- they need more people, what's with the apathy??
  15. Good thing they saved Honduras from authoritarian rule! Viva Honduras!
  16. Well if there's ever a coup here, where he is depends on who it's against. If it's an R administration you can bet he'll be on the friendly end of the water cannon. If its Obama, I guess we'll see whether his solemn oath is really to the Commander in Chief or to America's anchorman. Either way, he finally gets to kill somebody. Don't call him 'Francis'! You have obviously never taken the oath, as you have no fucking clue as to what it is about. Name's Scott That's cause I was CIA, numbnuts- I don't exist, man. We used to eat Special Forces for lunch! I went by "Agent Orange". Maybe we met before. Maybe not. I'm a motherfucking apparition.
  17. Well if there's ever a coup here, where he is depends on who it's against. If it's an R administration you can bet he'll be on the friendly end of the water cannon. If its Obama, I guess we'll see whether his solemn oath is really to the Commander in Chief or to America's anchorman. Either way, he finally gets to kill somebody. Don't call him 'Francis'!
  18. Because "Tyranny" is being redefined as "what a conservative feels under the Obama administration" and which spawns all sorts of fantasies about a coup de'tat right here at home. You know, "by any means necessary", to quote, ironically, popular communist ideology. How close they are to one another.
  19. Sad for the man, but my ears are not going to miss his screaming adverts.
  20. Yes thank God the Honduran military is now in charge (bye bye, corruption!) and the world's leading sweatshop resource remains secure.
  21. cc.whackjob That was a short post. Whatsamatter, gotta get back to watching your copy of "The Obama Deception" you ordered from Hannity.com?
  22. Yeah and back on topic- at least Sanford has taste- Argentine chicks, especially Portenos, are smoking!!!!
  23. I was actually directing that post at Fairweather. But yes, in the end, I'm not expecting shit from this president or the next.
  24. I've heard it said that the government option proposes to exist alongside continued private options- meaning you'd still have a choice. And that it would be required to be self-sustaining. True or not, if that is so, then technically the best that could happen is if it turns out to be quality, it will force private care to improve to stay in the market. But if as predicted it fails, then, it fails. Hang on a second while I go get my free cheese wheel...
  25. I think you're just pissed that the issue is being spotlighted in the first place. It's a debate and discussion you'd rather not see or hear because you don't like what's being tabled by the president. My guess is that Obama's pipe dream isn't going to be the final product but rather that it will be some sort of compromise. I do really think that most people in favor of a change are not asking for "free" care, just hoping for something that people can afford according to their pay scale. I'm willing to pay for my health care, but there's not much incentive to pay for insurance if it isn't going to help when it counts. Lots of people are taking their chances without insurance for this very reason. If people are reluctant to go to the doctor, the general health of the population declines. And it is pretty well proven that healthy societies are happier and more productive.
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