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Everything posted by StevenSeagal

  1. At least you post under your real name..... Thanks!
  2. We really should withhold judgment, indeed, for it's just as likely the perps are Obama's agents trying to spark conflict with a modern day Krystallnacht!
  3. Shouldn't you have phrased this as : "Arrr! This here waste o' space forum be needin' to be made to walk the plank!" in any case...yep.
  4. So your evidence of non-transparency in this Democratic administration is that this Democratic fundraiser is being indicted by federal prosecutors in the 8th month of its existence? Sounds like they're doing their job quite as promised!?!
  5. That's a funny statement coming from someone who reads Huffingtonpost to stay informed. I do not have the online subscription to the WSJ. Actually, the Limbaugh Letter is your best bet for objective reporting on the subject and for debunking all notions that there has ever been any flaw with the system of corporate self-governance and accountability!
  6. StevenSeagal


    wow, who knew that USC was also a training ground for young Republicans and their firm grasp of reality!
  7. no no that was satire! Keep LYAO and ROTF because I'm just getting warmed up. I'm serious. That was just a joke! I mean the part about me being serious. Seriously!
  8. Slavery and lynchings were also satire, intended solely to get libtards all worked up. It's not like it was racist or anything! Plus giving them a free place to stay in America instead of Africa, they were actually doing them a favor. Ingrates!
  9. Don't worry he's just entertaining us all with satire, and if you take him seriously, why, the jokes on you! Haw! Haw! Besides, he can't be racist, he didn't use any epithets or the n-word!
  10. because he's a racist, like all libturds. And white kids need their own buses for protection from racist blacks. Rush is right, as usual!
  11. Telling the president to "go back to Africa" is definitely patriotic though.
  12. Prole and KKK's exchange just above might be one of best recent spray sessions in a long time. And the term "spray cockpit" for cubicle...priceless
  13. That's just a way to change the debate. Instead of simply arguing the issue, smear your opponent, then demand your opponents talks about whether his "side" includes racists, and force the debate into disavowing these fringe elements. I could do the same for lefties too. Do I support racists who vote Republican? No. I wouldn't assume they - folks like the Ku Klux Klan - all vote Republican. I'm sure quite a few don't vote at all, or write in the name of their grand wizard (maybe Robert Byrd, for example ;-) ). You do know that there are more than 2 parties on ballots, after all, and typically these candidates are very much fringe. Change the debate? This is exactly on topic, I thought we were discussing the issue of racism and its relation (or not) to modern conservative political strategies. You've tried to deflect the argument repeatedly by making the baffling claim that liberals are actually the real racists on the basis of shock-sarcasm being implemented here on this site. Yet real life evidence doesn't support much beyond some obvious pandering by liberals to minorities from time to time, which isn't necessarily even racist. But if you are going to play the race card like that I think it's perfectly fair to ask for an explanation and/or a condemnation of clear cut racism that emanates from many mainstream conservative politicians and pundits. When we have people proudly displaying signs in public at rallies organized by Dick Armey and radio hosts with multi million audiences telling our President to "go back to Africa", it is clear to me that racism is very much alive in this country and is mobilizing into a political movement. And that true conservatives who are not racist and disavow these old ways of thinking have a long and difficult fight amongst their own ranks ahead if them if they ever hope to see their ideas embraced. The short version: conservatives are letting the kooks speak for them and you now have a serious problem given that blacks and Latinos are active in the process.
  14. Here you go Seagal: you can not disagree with Obama w/o being a racist. For "illustrative purposes" J_B uses the term "boy from the hood". Who has EVER used that term in cc.com? FW? Me? T_rutl? Peter Puget? None of us hhas. It's a bullshit fabrication from J_B's twisted libtard mind - par for the course from him. no, I cannot recall any of you using racial slurs here. But what passes as the "mainstream" opposition to Obama (I.e. Conservatism) seems to have no problem standing alongside obvious racists such as those depicted in the photos above and proclaiming an identical and unified message. And the silence of all of you when asked about it is puzzling at best. Are you ok with an alliance with those who still hold fast to the principle that this is a "white Christian nation" simply because your political and social views merge outside of the race issue and the greater good is served?
  15. Better yet - read just about any post by a frequent liberal poster on spray right, cause making fun of racists is racist. Lacking any further insight in your responses I'm left to assume you tacitly approve of the racists that stand in your ranks and call themselves conservatives. Convince me otherwise!
  16. Bullshit. We aren't talking about people merely "mentioning" race. The typical racist libtard on this forum repeatedly drops racial slurs left and right - and it sure comes easy for him. The typical racist on this board sees everything in terms of race and constantly tries to interject race into every political topic, accusing the "other" side of being racist while simultaneously being the one who interjected race into the conversation in the first place. And by "interjection" I mean saying shit like "angry white men hate brown people". Read any post by that dip-shit No 13 for a perfect illustration. Well then I have to insist the thing that divides us here is how we perceive such comments. I see them largely as over the top sarcasm directed at, and only at, other white people with whom they have social and political differences for the specific purpose of drawing an emotional response- which seems to work, by the way. Call it inflammatory, immature, or careless with language they wouldn't otherwise use especially in the company of non- whites, but given the obvious intent noted above I don't see how this constitutes "racism", which is largely defined as systematic oppression of one race by another that holds greater power and on an individual level a deep hatred and mistrust of those of other races. So I don't understand your connecting these two though I can understand your disapproval of the language. And fwiw, a few legitimate points related to white conservative racism in politics have been made here only to be rebutted by accusations of "Libs are the racists". I certainly don't think all conservatives are racists but there remains a simmering undercurrent in many aspects of policies that are leftovers from a long history of conflict here. At that march in DC somebody held up a sign that had MLK and Obama and said "he had a dream, we got a nightmare". Now to me that reeks of racism far more than a sarcastic remark on here, especially given it is proclaimed in public. For that guy at least the nightmare appears to be a black man in power.
  17. you obviously didn't get the memo on the new white conservative manifesto and marching orders as pertains to race: if a black man can become president, then obviously racism has ended, and further, anyone who dares to mention racism is the real racist. Alternatively, since we all know that all blacks and Latinos hate white people and have socialist agendas, if you are white and support Obama then you hate white people- kinda like the opposite of Clayton- you're the white black supremacist, maybe that's what they mean when they say libtards are all racist? Either way, this sort of switcheroo accusatory hypocracy is sure to confuse and obfuscate and meets the ultimate objective of perpetuating conflict.
  18. Hey cool report! But I always thought the first pitch you did IS the official first pitch of the Drag On, while the first pitch of Davis-Holland is also the first pitch of Town Crier? And thanks for the anchor replacement community service-
  19. Same could be said of the elections in 2000 and 2004. By extension I assume you're saying it's "hard to believe" that people didn't vote for McCain/Palin instead of Obama? In that scenario I think in terms of lip service to the issues of the day we'd be getting a lot of different language (butchered, in the case of Palin) but behind the scenes, basically the same crap. Both parties are working for the same boss and it ain't the American people- that's for sure. FW (and Serenity) while I remain suspicious I remain optimistic that the country is not only going to recover economically but will in the end forge better relationships with those countries despite or perhaps because of the language that you both find patently offensive. Strident hawkish rhetoric certainly hasn't worked and under such leadership we've seen only the proliferation of radical anti-Americanism. Kim Jong-il for example doesn't deserve a pass of any sort but freezing him out clearly hasn't improved the situation. I applaud your vigilance and skepticism but I personally think that, given that we really are in uncharted waters, the jury is still out on where Obama's policies and language will lead us as a country. The only sure thing I see is that the direction the Republican party has taken this country was the wrong one. If the wacko elements of that party can be sidelined then I'm not the only one who would be willing to listen. For the time being, all they offer is ways to get back to doing what they were doing before- militarism, expansion of the American empire at the expense of everyone else, jingoism, slogans, pandering to religious groups by way of divisive emotional issues such as gay marriage, flag burning and abortion, and perpetuating an economic environment that encourages and rewards greed and abuse of power. I do actually believe in free market principles especially as they pertain to small business owners but that has nothing to do with allowing massive banking corporations and these "multi-national" corporations to devour everything in their path, ship all our jobs overseas, hide their assets off shore, and effectively suffocate opportunities for lesser-off Americans as well as those in other countries. When I hear conservatives speak of a robust but carefully regulated free market then I might start listening. And as far as our military presence around the world- I'm pretty libertarian (?) on this as I think it's unrealistic and unhealthy to our survival as a republic to think we can keep our forces spread around the world under the auspices of "security" when the real agenda is guarding our resources and having a staging ground to launch proxy wars. The American empire as we know it is going to end whether we like it or not; if we embrace that and shift that into something constructive here at home we may well end up a far far better country than we even are today. If instead we try to forcibly continue to the bitter end our current trajectory, in a hundred years we'll be a sorry land of people longing for the glory days.
  20. What does thought have to do with you?
  21. Ummm, hey kevboner, I think the speech you pasted is an older one, cause it sure as he'll isn't the one he gave last night. Nice try though. FAIL
  22. fixed that for ya my wife can bench more then your fat lazy boy ass weights. I would watch it, as you might be called on it (she is reading this bb from time to time)- just a fair warning Does she use a Braun or a Norelco?
  23. you're the greatest fixed that for you. Thanks!
  24. fixed that for ya my wife can bench more then your fat lazy boy ass weights. I would watch it, as you might be called on it (she is reading this bb from time to time)- just a fair warning YOU ARE BOTH ON NOTICE!
  25. You're off your meds again, aren't you. Careful, chubby. I'll kick your fucking ass. Threats of violence have been reported to the authorities and the website admin. You're on notice! Well? I guess Master Seagal has become the pussy lapdog of Jaba the Hut. How sad. alright, your BOTH on notice. Is that bipartisan enough for you? Jeez!
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