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Everything posted by alpineyeti

  1. Thanks Heinrich! Was much inspired by your TR, so decided to take a look for myself. Excelent climb, though more soft sketchy snow this weekend! We decended via the col. Hats off to you guys, thanks for the inspiration!
  2. Nice job guys! Which way did you come down? Descend route or traverse over to Sherpa-/Aug. Col? Recommendations?
  3. Yikes, sounds like you made a good start at "cleaning" your new route!
  4. Yeah, 125$ is steep. If one just wanted to read it, the pdf is great or a re-print like I got. But for us collectors..... let's just say my Rock and Ice #1 is looking for some company.
  5. Chessler books has back issues for sale, but like zero said, $5 a piece is a little low... Kletter, he even has a #0 for sale (pricey though!!)
  6. SPS and I did this route a few years ago and were amazed at how little glacier was left. How was the glacier looking this year? There is supposed to be a way to traverse back south along the ridge, dumping you at the standard bivy col. We didn't try it, but would have cut off a lot of time getting down. We used a single 60 m and had no issue. Made it back to the car same day we summitted, but I would call it more of a two and half day trip. Good job guys! This was probably one of my favorite climbs to date!
  7. Way to get after it guys!! Thinking about going after Eldo and Dorado this weekend.
  8. Rock Climbing Washington (Jeff Smoot I think) has a small selection of climbs for FC. A ton of folks usually have a guide with them at the cliff. I know ppl are always asking to look at mine when I am there.....
  9. Hmmm, just took my refesher a month or so ago and this was not mentioned at all... Refresher course was put on by American Red Cross..... Just when I thought I was getting up to date info....
  10. kevino, any chance one can drive by (over ) the debris flow blocking the road? Anyone know if they plan on fixing the road this year? (Assuming that it was a slide rather than avi....)
  11. Woo hoo Deep Water Solo! Looks fun, sans spiders of course.
  12. Looked like a great day to be in the mountains. Always wanted to get on that side of Hood. How did the route to the summit look from where you strapped on?
  13. have been up and down the NE ridge, this got me more excited to get back to that area. Nicely done gents!
  14. My imagination is fully saturated!
  15. Sounds like you almost had the place to yourself! Suprising given the great weather. How was the run down?
  16. Yowwzah!! Way to get after it! Nicely done!
  17. That's my kind of approach! Looks like some fun ice flows. Thanks for the TR and pics
  18. Wetland Biologist/Scientist for engineering firm
  19. OffWhite - secret Tenino climbing area? Only minutes away in downtown Oly..... Moved back a while ago to the area and not dialed into local crags.... Sick of rain, sick of snow - bring on the sun!!
  20. Sounnds like some good exercise!!
  21. Beckey, Don Gordon, John Rupley, & Herb Staley 1957
  22. Good job guys, been on the list for a few years now! How many days out?
  23. Cornice was still there monday morning. It felt pretty good to be out from under that cornice fo'sure, making that last little turn towards the top of the face! My partner talked to someone that fell on the traverse over to the face on Sunday and busted out his two front teeth with his ice axe! Heard he carried on and summitted, HARD CORE! I did get a pic of the cornice, will post with my trip report. Congrats on your climb as well diggydoc!
  24. Hey good job guys! I think I talked to you on your way out. I was in the low camp in Leroy basin, waiting on my partner to show up. At least 19 ppl summited Sunday, from various routes. At least half must have been up the NF route!
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