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Everything posted by counterfeitfake

  1. Nobody should participate in this thread without having read the thread mattp linked to. Jamin wants to be able to drill bolts in case he raps down the wrong line off some remote peak he scrambled up. He's going to need a lot of bolts and hangers. If he brings a hammer the extra weight will cause him to epic. Don't die, Jamin. Bring prusiks. Learn to routefind.
  2. Nice. Which line are you on in the picture? I see people on the grand, two left of the grand, one on top by Ultimate Everything and a bunch of people on the apron (the snake and diedre). Oh and the other team just right of Millenium Falcon. I'm on the first (real) pitch of University Wall, leading, almost at the anchors. I'm tucked in the corner and only partially visible. You can see my friend Ryan with a big orange haul bag at the anchor. He's probably rocking out to Devo on his big wall ghetto blaster. It was taken in September of 2006. You can also see some other aid climbers off to the right of us, I think they're on Uncle Ben's.
  3. I am in that picture.
  4. Last summer there was a #3 C4 fixed high on the Fin on Dragontail, pretty far away from any of the sensible routes. I was pretty far off-route too and spent a while wiggling it. It seemed like it could come loose but it was getting late so I left it.
  5. Well it's apparently 47 and raining in Leavenworth today.
  6. It's a picture of a girl wearing clothes and a harness, sitting at Vantage.
  7. I think this scenario has successfully made everyone look dumb.
  8. Really cool Klenke, thanks.
  9. Does anyone know where the photographer was standing?
  10. Classically, I figured it out seconds after posting. Just click that brown map again for the forecast. Actually pretty cool. Man, if this is how I react to change now, I can't wait to be elderly...
  11. Does anyone know what happened to NOAA's Cascade mountain forecast page? I used to go to Seattle and click "mountains" on the sidebar, and be able to navigate to a standard 5-day forecast for the north or central Cascades. Now I get this which leads to this crappy picture that I can't interpret.
  12. counterfeitfake


  13. Short fixing is definitely a time-saver. Racsom didn't explicitly say that it was roughly his third day aid climbing, and his partners' second and first, respectively. Pretty hardcore effort from a bunch of aid noobs.
  14. LAPE
  15. thats what people call a group of people who climb a mountain together when their only experience in mountain climbign is "Into Thin Air" Maybe better to start with a "avalanche, crevasse, and hypothermia avoidance team" and see where that gets you.
  16. Bolts rule. They keep you from falling off mountains.
  17. Homeopathy is a bunch of crap.
  18. Someone was climbing on it yesterday. Who knows what that means though.
  19. People need to quit this nonsense. Of course it's what he thinks. He wrote it. Not everything needs a disclaimer. Lightning, as you're probably realizing, everyone has their own approach. As long as you have some sunglasses that shield most of your field of vision from the sun, you'll be OK in most conditions. A little duct tape can always save your ass. You might come back from a trip and realize you want something other than what you've got. If it's sunnier you want something darker. All makes sense, right? That'll get you started, and you'll figure out what works through more experience.
  20. I don't think about altitude. I think about how much of what I'm looking at is snow, and whether it is or isn't cloudy.
  21. yes- you don't have to own a tv either.
  22. Potential buyers might actually want to know if it has a smiley face on the ass.
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