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Everything posted by counterfeitfake

  1. You mean this climb? The one with the descent beta available on the internet? The one where you downclimb the route? So: you start rapping down a bad rap route and have to place a bolt. Then you keep rapping down this bad rap route. Do the math. How many bolts are you going to bring? It shouldn't be in your pack. Two prusiks should be on your harness. At all times. I can't figure out whether you're an idiot or a very very good troll, but this quote points me toward the latter...
  2. Well-behaved women rarely make history. My God... so profound.
  3. "Cheap and effective?? BAH!" Almost as good as saying we shouldn't use leashes because nobody in Europe does.
  4. Red number seven BD just like Mike said. Or blue number seven ABC Huevo... same thing but cheaper. I've got three of them on my rack.
  5. Here's my TR if you want it.
  6. Aaaaaanyway, some of you jackasses are totally missing the point of the original poster. I acutally laughed when I read this- that's the whole point. You don't have to go to Pakistan, Nepal, and Patagonia. I think if you boil this down you get the point that climbing is at it's root a selfish activity. I don't see this as being particularly damming- selfishness is the primary motivator for most of us. We want to have fun, we want things to be convenient. I'm not different, I'll hop a plane or a helicopter to get to a destination I'm interested in. But I think it's valid when someone asks me to think about the impact I'm having. Why do some of you get so bent out of shape?
  7. From the executive summary: We were not able to identify an unambiguous difference in exhaust CO2 emissions between biodiesel and conventional diesel. However, it should be noted that the CO2 benefits commonly attributed to biodiesel are the result of the renewability of the biodiesel itself, not the comparative exhaust CO2 emissions. An investigation into the renewability of biodiesel was beyond the scope of this report. Well there you have it.
  8. That is what I have always suspected, and it's sad to see people falling for it. How often do you see a green BIODIESEL sticker on the back of a car? Obviously these people think the're doing something positive. The majority of people just don't have much scientific literacy and we will always have this problem.
  9. Now I know you are a retard I might have just come to the same conclusion... Corn fields are freaking huge. You could probably put a corn field AROUND an oil well. Also consider fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides... farms create a lot of pollution. I also do not concede your point about utilizing a waste product- if McDonalds uses a bunch of cooking oil and throws it away... well who knows where it goes, but it probably stays oil. If you take that oil and burn it, you just liberated all the carbon that was bound up in that oil and put it into the air. Maybe the thing biodiesel has going for it is, when you grow a plant and then burn it, you're binding and then releasing carbon that is in the atmosphere to begin with? Whereas with dino juice you're just liberating carbon that was buried? I would like to hear from someone who knows what they're talking about.
  10. I've never understood why biodiesel is presented as though it's "environmentally friendly".
  11. Some of you guys get awfully defensive when someone questions your hobbies.
  12. Before... the other climber falls in the crevasse too? Your logic breaks down here, there's no guaranteed stop at the end of the rope. It's slack you want to avoid to keep a fallen climber from building up speed.
  13. It goes clean. If you want you can bring a rock up with you and chuck it at the top of P3. If you borrow all the gear you say you want to borrow that rack is definitely adequate. I think you probably don't need triples of cams especially if you're comfortable leapfrogging pieces. Offset aliens and offset nuts make life easier but you can make do without them. You should bring a hook or two.
  14. Great thing about spraying: argue about absolutely everything!
  15. hahahahahaha sucker.
  16. Last night I went go-karting for my birthday. Not the best EVER, but a lot of fun.
  17. Somewhere around 10 kN?
  18. What is the bivy sack made of? Do you know how much it weighs?
  19. And you think the mechanism by which fabric softener "softens" fabric is lubrication?
  20. The walkoff requires zero raps.
  21. How often does "softer" == "stronger"?
  22. ...reality.
  23. All good ideas. Like I said, this is the kind of thing where I knew better but had just become lazy or complacent. Along those same lines, if you've been meaning to take care of, say, getting homeowner's or renter's insurance, maybe this can be a good prod to get you moving on that.
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