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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Apparently, alcohol was involved, and the victim was not wearing a seatbelt.
  2. knotzen

    Mary Jane

    My Mary Janes bring out the psychosis in me.
  3. knotzen


    Isn't there a law against noob boobs like i_like_sun_WTF?
  4. That takes care of the cruise boat problem.
  5. knotzen


    Ignore = ignorant, do you think the USA would just ignore Russia just because they are irritated by them? No…..you should always be aware of what the other side is saying….even if you don’t agree. That is my opinion. Fergawdssake, STFU, noob.
  6. knotzen


    Dude, put her on "ignore" and move on with your life. Sheesh.
  7. The 5th grade computer lab time is now up. Time to go outside for recess.
  8. True, that.
  9. as quoted from alfred, lord tennyson I really like that one, too. After I read "Seven Summits" I started using that mantra on really steep, long approaches.
  10. Me, approaching the summit ridge of Ruby Mountain in NCNP, on the second day of bushwhacking: "I can't wait to get to the summit!!" My climbing buddy: "You don't have to wait to get to the summit; you just have to walk to get to the summit."
  11. Came across this in a reread of "Annapurna," by Maurice Herzog: "That wonderful world of high mountains, dazzling in their rock and ice, acts as a catalyst. It suggests the infinite, but it is not the infinite. The heights only give us what we ourselves bring to them. Climbing is a means of self-expression. Its justification lies in the men it develops, its heroes and its saints."
  12. Pics?
  13. Shit. I thought this was about a new diet where you can eat anything sold in a gas station mini-mart and drop 3 pant sizes guaranteed a week.
  14. meatroll
  15. the short, hairy, with a wart on its nose troll
  16. the sexual innuendo troll
  17. the ultra-conservative troll, AKA the KK troll
  18. knotzen


    free to run down your leg? Underwear is much better at containing mess. Then again maybe your perfect match likes the stink of your shit. Then again--skid marks...
  19. knotzen


    Easy access.
  20. Good thing you were on skis, or that bear would have caught you! Is that Pinnacle/Castle saddle at Rainier?
  21. knotzen


    Necrophilia! It's the new black.
  22. knotzen

    Chicken Cops

  23. Use the tweezers from your first aid kit.
  24. Three inches of fat is three inches of fat. I'm talking about subjectively placing people in derogatory categories because of their ancestry. Besides, if someone calls you fat, say "I may be fat, but you're ugly, and I can lose weight." so was i. you also making my point w/ the 'if someone calls you...' "i may be nappy headed...but i'm a good ball player" people are going to say mean things. there are always tactless idiots. but do you sit and mope about it or get over it and prove em wrong? You totally missed my points--both of 'em. But I'm off to work. Fight amongst yourselves.
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