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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen


    A little technique never hurt a girl...
  2. knotzen


  3. knotzen


    I'm feeling it... I'm feeling it...
  4. knotzen


    Say, are you into grrls, by any chance?
  5. knotzen


    Yo, Teach!
  6. knotzen


    That'll cure you for your desire for men! Trust me, I've been cured. I'm already studying for my MCAME (Microsoft Certified Anti-Man Expert) cert.
  7. knotzen


    So he won't share details about the bivy?
  8. knotzen


    Thank you for teh feedback. I have decided, however, to join a nunnery. sickie Or become a lesbian. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  9. knotzen


    Well, there are exceptions to every rule... sickie
  10. knotzen


    him (jerk-face mofo)=> <= me
  11. knotzen


    Fuckem! Fuckem all!1! :cry: :cry: :battlecage: :fahq: :fahq: :tdown: :tdown: The only way to avoid pain is to avoid relationships. I hereby devote myself to the mountains. Wait, need more of these: :battlecage:
  12. knotzen


    Olyclimber, you are so weird.
  13. knotzen


    I had it done three years ago. LOVE IT!! I couldn't be happier. After wearing glasses or contacts since 8th grade, can't tell you how great it is to have perfect vision. No more contacts ferkin' with my eye or popping out (the contact lens, not my eyeball); no more glasses fogging up or slipping down my nose. I had it done at PCLI in Bellevue (www.pcli.com). It was quick (about 10 minutes in the chair) and painless. And they guarantee the work, i.e., you can have it redone for free if you need to, if you complete a follow-up check-up schedule. Nice people, nice office. Coffee and snacks. I couldn't recommend it more highly for lasik candidates (it's not for every pair of eyes), especially athletes, for whom dealing with contacts or glasses is especially onerous. I had discomfort in one eye the first day, but slept mostly to keep the eye closed, and woke up Day 2 with no pain and perfect vision. It really feels like a miracle. No shit.
  14. knotzen


    Is it socially acceptable to get turned on by dragon-prOn?
  15. "You call it jogging, I call it running around."
  16. knotzen

    How to get some...

    The only thing older women want from younger men is a hard body, and, um, their enthusiasm.
  17. knotzen

    How to get some...

    Hand-holding is aid. And foreplay, in my book. 8D
  18. knotzen


    I wonder if my dog will enjoy pooping on the bark as well as he did pooping on the rubber.
  19. You say that like ass sucking is a bad thing...
  20. If you get taken in the rapture, can I have your climbing gear?
  21. One down... Let's hear for the Amoral Majority! 8D
  22. I can't figure out WHY K-Bone is so bothered by Arch. It's sorta creepy. skull
  23. I think they OD'd on friggin' BROWNIES. Everyone feels dead after eating a pan of brownies in an hour and a half. LOLZ
  24. Or at least a kiss.
  25. I wasn't even there and she owes me make-up nooky!
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