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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. You know, that's why cannibals don't eat clowns--because they taste funny. Yo, dude, I crack myself up.
  2. Oh, come on! Don't let this quality thread die! It's the best civil discussion we've had in months.
  3. All I know is, y'all are a bunch of goobers. And I love ya for keeping me entertained at work today.
  4. This is my point. If you're leading 5th class rock, you want to test each hold. If you're scrambling 1,000 feet of 3rd or 4th class rock, you move quickly and are more likely to -- oh fuck it, I'm not in the mood to argue. I know I'm right, but let's say we're all right, and get the fuck outside and play. Carry on, then, mates.
  5. Let's not pick nits. Obviously, there are rocks dislodged by people, and there are rocks that are already loose, that one needs to watch for. Didn't think that needed to be spelled out.
  6. It's all true. In the "shit happens" vein, I always remember an incident with a woman who died on Del Campo some years back. She was scrambling, unroped, and apparently a rock she was holding onto dislodged, and she fell. That kind of thing just does happen sometimes, it's the nature of the mountains. There's always an element of risk from objective hazards.
  7. This was tragic news; I heard yesterday. Larry is just one of those people you wouldn't expect this to happen to. He was enormously generous with his time in volunteering is so many aspects of the Mountaineers. Always had a huge smile. I just saw him, less than two weeks ago, and he was thrilled at finally being retired, and having friends to go on mid-week scrambles with. And his wife Sandra is a dear person. They found each other late in life, and had so much to look forward to, together. I wish I could send him a message that he is loved and will be missed. As an anecdote, Larry has been an inspiration to me the last few years. I'm turning 40 very shortly, and he climbed Denali in his mid-50s. I would look at him and figure, heck, I've at least got another decade of high living left.
  8. knotzen

    Da vinci

    Looks like enough room for an altarboy Holy fuck.
  9. I'm starting to like him. Although I seriously doubt if any dentist would recommend...
  10. 7 out of 9. Pass the Hi-C, mateys.
  11. G'bless you.
  12. tukwila is a toxicant
  13. Nice pics. Baring is one of my favorite scrambles.
  14. I planted seeds of discontent this weekend. I had a pretty good time.
  15. I'd carry an ice axe through early July, in a normal snow year. Takes a long time for the snow to melt out of that bowl below Pineapple Pass. (Unless you get TRs to the contrary.)
  16. Isn't it unsanitary to use someone else's razor?
  17. knotzen


    Fascinating. A must-see!
  18. That you pick losers to date? I can relate to that. Huh. We have something in common. Who woulda thunk. And I *meant* it shows what I do to a guy who messes with me. I meant I seem to date guys who like to have me around for amusement purposes. What I meant was...oh never mind. Oops! Toto, we're not in Spray anymore. Zip the lip. Carry on, then.
  19. Man, every time I see this subject I want to say, "Make sure you use large wings."
  20. That you pick losers to date? I can relate to that. Huh. We have something in common. Who woulda thunk. And I *meant* it shows what I do to a guy who messes with me.
  21. I haven't had anyone totally drop me, but I've climbed with a couple of people who thought it was funny to lower you very fast, and you hit the ground and fall on your butt. It *feels* like freefalling, and your body and mind can't quickly reconcile what's going on, and it pisses the hot, living shit out of me. They always snicker, like it's a great joke. Assholes. I don't climb with people who treat belaying like something to have fun with. In fact, one of them was an ex--says something, eh.
  22. knotzen

    Seattle Sucks

    Two birds in the hands is worth one in the...I forget how that goes...
  23. Interesting--I remember a guy telling me about a similar incident on Dragontail, such a close call that he actually quit climbing for a few years. Difference was, they went up in the morning, when the rocks were frozen into the snow/ice, and got caught in the same sort of rock/boulder-fall coming down in the afternoon. They had failed to consider that the warming throughout the day would release the rocks. They barely missed being obliterated by giant rocks and boulders, by finding, by chance, a moat to dive into.
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