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Everything posted by prole

  1. prole


    Amazing how the debt itself hasn't hasn't wrecked the US's creditworthy-ness or damaged investors confidence in America or elicted calls to abandon the dollar as the world's reserve currency but the fringe TeaBagger whackjob caucus threats to shut down the government/default on its debts have. Time to clean house, Fairweather.
  2. prole


    I don't remember a fringe left-wing of the Democratic Party holding the global economy hostage every chance it could over any Republican initiatives much less something as routine as the periodic need to raise the debt limit. Please refresh my memory over the hypocrisy here?
  3. prole


    Yeah, well I'll take the Kangen water drinking crystal worshippers over the God Hates Fags crowd any day.
  4. prole


    This isn't a debate about whether or not America has a debt problem, it's about a minority in one branch of government in one country holding the global economy hostage because the President of the United States is a "black soshalist".
  5. prole


    It's funny how "moderate, mainstream" Republicans' defunding of education for all these years is coming back to bite them in the ass directly in the form of a grossly misinformed base.
  6. prole


    No. What's good for the goose in this case is good for the gander. I'm not sure that systems dependent on private funding are the way to go at all.
  7. prole


    I don't.
  8. prole


    isn't this why the founders choose to make us a republic instead? Indeed. "Well, what have we got doctor, a monarchy or a republic?" "A republic, madam, if you can keep it." At least that's the apocryphal tale about what Franklin said to a passerby after emerging from the Constitutional Congress. Whenever I think of that quote, I'm usually reminded of this one: "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. -Thomas Jefferson. I think that the public discovered that it could vote itself money sometime between 1862 and 1913 and the republic seems to have held up pretty well since then, so right-wing hatemongers like myself should probably bear that in mind before playing chicken little over the ACA (nevermind Wickard vs Filburn, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc) - but I think for the first time I've started to feel like I should give "The Anti-Federalist Papers" a look and see if they anticipated any of the more grotesque abuses of Federal power that have been the bathwater we've had to tolerate in exchange for the Constitutional baby....like paramilitary law enforcement kicking in doors and shotgunning black-labs for the sake of confiscating some stale bong-resin, a gajillion dollars worth of subsidies being snarfed down by the corn-ethanol lobby, etc, etc, etc, etc. What is this, enlightented despotism meets the Minutemen? Funny how the 'crisis of democracy' is portrayed here as the citizenry run amok (mob rule)/Federal abuse of power when the real 800-pound gorilla is campaign finance and the stacking of government posts with corporate toadies. Both of which are just as bad if not worse in many local governments.
  9. prole


    The most libertarian-leaning faction. So the answer must be...more Libertarians!
  10. prole


    Yeah, shut the gubmint down permanently! Doubling Down On Stupid, Conservatard Answer for Everything.
  11. Wow, tough crowd. Glad I could lighten things up around here, sheesh!
  12. Eric Wedge is the first Mariner to have a stroke since Ichiro Suzuki in 2010.
  13. Like. Irony.
  14. Bummer to hear about Eric Wedge. Just when the Mariners were starting to find their stroke.
  15. Zurd's Kids in the News!
  16. No caption necessary.
  17. They should let Ackley hit off a tee.
  18. It's like watching retarded puppies tussle.
  19. What's more uplifting? A Cubs/Mariners matchup or Faces of Death marathon?
  20. The Mariners are the Cubs of the American League.
  21. Images documenting the Democrat Party response here...
  22. It's insane to think of how many people will be prevented from visiting U-Pick strawberry fields this year.
  23. That new WalMart up there is AWESOME, tho!
  24. Oh hey, what does Kevbone BELIEVE???
  25. Since when did 'belief' become the arbeiter of anything in a rational society? Thanks internet, the info rich get richer and the poor get dumber!
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