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Everything posted by spicoli11

  1. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Way to represent with the PNW roasted beans!!! Nobodys "jank'in" our style!!! A trip to the tetons and the winds would be nice....seems like a good time.
  3. The M on my keyboard is f'd up from spilling beer on it.
  4. "scrambled" east ridge of ingalls,ate bad fast food,surfed knee high slop at the port,started shaping my 1st surfboard,learned how toxic shaping is
  5. I too have had the urge to eat a marmot. The mongolians stuff the marmot belly with coals and then place it directly on a fire. I imagine theres ton of fat in those suckers though. Must need salt.
  6. From what I can gather....one could make a lucrative career out of making concrete cast animals there.
  7. Any way you cut it...that rock looks like nice!! Thanks for the stoke. How many hours in the car from the border(if all goes well)?
  8. I think it would be fun...but probably to late I think. It looked icy up high and dirty bird down low.
  9. but I'm not sure where the "mowish" is
  10. From last weeks trip for turns on the russell
  11. Thats quite a backyard you have there...it looks like new jersey
  12. Thanks for the winds stoke!!! I need to get back out there!!
  13. spicoli11

    BC Bud

    Always weary of "goverment" studies. Where'd you get this bs? "Cannabis has been implicated in a string of vicious killings, including the recent stabbing of fashion designer Lucy Braham."
  14. Ever see those russian smoke jumpers? Those mofos are hardcore
  15. I grew up on the east coast and too was at a loss when I moved to the NW. The lack of pizza, bagels and hoagies was daunting. So after all these years the best I can come up with is overpriced tuta bella and paglacrotchie. The big times pizza is ok....but I'm having a hard time finding that thin ny style slice that is huge and cheap. Whats your favorite pizza in the NW?
  16. Please tell me this is a joke
  17. spicoli11

    Summer Job

    Gnar bar bra!!!
  18. Making things more remote....not bad?
  19. The downclimbing head first looks fun
  20. Go to sonoma
  21. "Yes, genius boy."- keep those "labels" coming ass monkey "And yes, that means I come equipped with a few pre-conceived notions"-really? peace and love- moonbeam
  22. spicoli11

    Quadrant Homes

    I like my houses new and big to go with my escalade bitches!!!!!!!!
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