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Everything posted by TREETOAD



    Either way it was cool

    Real change:

    If you keep saving money like that, you will be rich!!!
  3. The media just shows what sells. You have to look at what these people stand for and forget the media spray. Get them in a debate and listen to what they say.

    Avatar Images

    I know that tummy from somewhere...sniff sniff...
  5. It is absolutely pissing out here. I am going to take my dog to down the river for a bath.
  6. Hell why do people do a lot of things? Cause we can. All it is another form of body modification, which manifests itself in many ways from simple stuff from hair styles, wearing make-up, earings, whatever to more extreme things like this. I say go for it if not really hurting others. I don't particularly like titties that big, but I do find them interesting in freakish way. ken, i totally get that and i don't really care that someone does it. i come from a much more practical stand point. obviously, you're not a chick and haven't had to deal w/the hassles of a) finding a bra that really fits, b)a sore back c)clothes that fit, d)messing w/your golf swing. seriously, those things just get in the way of life. not to mention the unsightly scars minx, is this a coy way of telling us you have big tits??

    Red Wings

    Great series I think the best team won!!


    As usual your conceptions could not be further from fact..and your verbal attack is so typical of the "for us or against us" mindset of people of your ilk. I have nothing at all against America and as a matter of fact go there often. I have lived next door all my life and have always taken an interest in what went on there. I have also noticed the differences between my country and yours. I am a socialist in most respects of the word. I believe that we should take care of each other, locally and globally. I think that everyone is equal and should have the same opportunities to health and education, no matter how much money they have. I hate to see things squandered, especially the power and greatness of a fantastic country, by a group of evil and treacherous men that have no regard for the lives they waste so long as it serves their misguided ideology. I think that the Bush administration has your hijacked democracy. I think that your country has been through some of it's darkest days ever in the last few years and that most people do not even realize it. I think that the coming election is a classic battle of good and evil. Most people I know think so too. I know it is not worth the key strokes to try to change your mind so all I can do is state what I see and what I hear from the the people around me.
  9. You know FW you are one of the best examples of single minded ignorance. You are gullible and closed minded. You seem to have no idea of the world around you. You are stuck in some kind of feeble, subroutine that revolves around a dead ideology. Do a little reading that involves the rest of the world. Your silly heroes have brought a really great nation to it's knees in less than a decade. They have made your country a laughing stock, something of a passing interest, where the rest of the earth checks in to see with embarrassed disbelief what will happen today, something akin to watching a dysfunctional family dispute from across the street. You are so lucky to have this chance to dig yourselves out of this clusterfuck you call a presidency, and I think even a brainwashed shitstorm like yourself might just do the right thing and vote the right way for once. So fuck you and good night.
  10. Time will tell I guess
  11. wow what a turnaround for you guys, from a semi literate puppet to a really inspiring leader. Hopefully a phoenix will rise from the ashes of ignorance and lies. Time to sprinkle a little sanity on those freedom fries!! Good on ya!!


    you said it
  13. I have had an alpine hugger 3 for a few years and really like it. After two or three nights in wet snow it will hold condensation but I think with a really light bivy or over bag it would perform better.
  14. Nice TR looked like a good time.
  15. untouched by human hands
  16. Untouched amazon tribes are so mainstream
  17. If you're married, you're probably taken for granted, though. You hit it right on the...er telescope?
  18. What a bunch of cocksuckers
  19. I think they are hiding wmd better light them up with a little shock and awe
  20. Oh I know you do baby!!
  21. They quotes are not the only thing that telescope around here
  22. Way to get out there marc,wish I had started climbing as early in life as you!!
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