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Everything posted by TREETOAD


    Blue Angels

    who can I blow up to get my 72 virgins? A nun?
  2. One Two Three what are we fighting for, Don't ask me I don't give a damn Next stop is old Iran And it's five , six, seven open up the pearly gates well there's no time to wonder why, WOOPEE we're all gonna die!
  3. honest!!!
  4. just for the eggs, silly!
  5. it seems that posting declines around coffee and lunch times...hmmm
  6. just drink until you notice a bloated look to your face and yellowish eye colour, then cut back for a week or two.
  7. monday is almost always fuckoffish
  8. nah..just a diversion, french maid is great, I have never been beaten off with a stick though!! I used to raise ducks
  9. not quite sure...so far a duck with issues. but a naughty nun would be good
  10. I have speed dial and a full span of T1 on fibre
  11. I am going to make random "fuck off" phone calls today
  12. I would prefer an inflatable party nun, you know..something to make me feel like a really bad boy.
  13. I have never dated a blowup doll!... that I know of
  14. I get it...STICK around!!! haha
  15. you make me hot!
  16. What kind of trees?
  17. thats gotta hurt

    Child abuse

    neither would I but it is interesting

    Child abuse

    an possible explanation http://www.safetycenter.navy.mil/Articles/a-m/monkeys.htm

    For Bug

    Ahh this explains the behaviour of the father in Kevbones post here http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/postlist/Board/43/page/1


    did you check the toilets? never thought of that, but I did get to ride up in the steam engine on the train with the engineer!!

    Child abuse

    There is always a better way to change a kids behavior than violence. You just have to have the patience and intellect to use it. Sometimes very difficult to do, especially when you have been hit as a child, and the heat of anger gets the better of you. In public you need to remove the child from the situation first, and calm yourself down, then deal with it. In Kevbones' sitch it is difficult to interpose without causing a problem with the abusive parent, and difficult to let it happen, especially when you know there is a better way. The gut reaction is to make it stop. Perhaps saying someting to the child, is better than talking to the adult. Something like "That must hurt!" I don't know, just a thought.
  23. it is just starting!!
  24. yeah stance is important as well!! 8D
  25. banks are good but only branch banks never the main offices, only on a tuesday, wednesday, or thurday. Oh yeah and it is not necessary to show a weapon, only threaten one, watch out for dye or tear gas in the bag.
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