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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. As usual the Chilliwack Times gets to the heart of the matter.
  2. Seems like an odd risk management choice to call in 1042 for an ankle injury at altitude. But perhaps there are unknown details.
  3. This isn't about releasing anything. If you don't already know, there's no hope for you. Yeah Z6G7 climbing team! rock on steve!
  4. if you don't know who the fuck coach Tyson is, well what can I say. what up Tyson!!! and Brad and Ishmael! rock on bros! and to the ZRX climbing team - keep it real!
  5. It must suck to get the placebo in that study
  6. And then I assume he was bitten by a king cobra at the lunch counter to justify that helicopter.
  7. most likely cut by a crampon or axe. note that the entire mountain had been powerwashed overnight.
  8. I'm sure with enough speculation the truth will come out.
  9. Cobra_Commander


    whatever zidane does is awesome. he could drop a turd on the trophy and I would applaud it. case closed.
  10. next time you are up by thin slice be sure to do cairo right next door. It's the kind of fun bolted route that pisses josephH off. I assume the anchor bolts on fall line have been tightened? They were frighteningly loose upon arrival last time (last fall) nice pics! that first one of you in the arch sums up the city experience, hunting shade. just got back from there myself. lots and lots of thunderstorms in between scorching heat. It was difficult to get on multipitch stuff because it would be super hot at first, then running for your life as the lightning rolls in.
  11. I recommend the Holden - McGroin bus route
  12. are you saying chix in woolen dresses suck at climbing they were also yarding on this the whole way up, in Sept: there was a lot of shit done in the 1800's I think I would pass on. but anyways I was just sayin'.
  13. hah, I dunno. Just those climbs seem harder than they should be, so I get skunked on it. Seems like there are 11a's that are easier. Mainly sport face stuff. My case study- Harder for me: Iguanas on Elm Street: 10c Nine Gallon: 10c Headless Horseman: 10d Llamas on the Edge: 10d Easier for me: Blue Light Special: 11a Bop till you drop: 11a Pure Palm: 11a I guess it is only sport climbs. Maybe it was just the day I climbed them. Oh well, back to work.
  14. Traffic shaping for commercial purposes should be completely illegal.
  15. 10c/10d is the skunk rating at Smith
  16. It should perhaps be noted that if you slip on the south side you will probably have a painful but survivable runout "most of the time". If you fall on Cooper Spur you will die. The exposure can be difficult for some people downclimbing in the afternoon, when it becomes better for skiing than for skittering around with balling-up crampons. It is not "bad" but the south side and cooper spur are not equivalent climbs. of course, it's pretty unstylish to fall on any of these kinds of climbs
  17. I wonder if they will haul a lounge chair up there too. It will take a special someone to work through goretex. I hope they are up for the task.
  18. I pretty much lost it when that rocket sled showed up
  19. I find this one extemely entertaining. Those crazy Japanese! http://www.break.com/index/japaneseprank9.html
  20. you guys don't appreciate the peace and quiet of the south side???
  21. Is this some Welsh rescue unit? I'm getting dehydrated pronouncing it.
  22. Why, THANK you! I do take my vitamins
  23. I'm bringing a megaphone to the hospital. Click. (huge annoying feedback reverberates across the ICU) FRESHIEZ FRESHIEZ FRESHIEZ FRESHIEEEEEEEZZZZZZZ Keep up the good work
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