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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. So, JH, if I was to get a route approved by the state park, how would the process begin?
  2. How many pitches ( if you pitch it out ) ???
  3. I buy my gear from what ever store is closest, Rei, US outdoor store.
  4. Looking for beta (all that I can get) on Vesper peak Rack? Poons or not? Decent? Water? Anybody???
  5. Is this going to be at the grasslands, like that one year (I think last year) where it rained and there was like 30 or more people with 3 kegs.
  6. The bolt ladder should only take about 10 minutes, if you do it how I suggested! Maybe a little longer. Either way, get on it early, usually a train of people.
  7. The bolt ladder is easy all you need is about 20 quick draws and each climber have a Gri Gri and off you go. Its a team effort. Clip the bolt throw your rope through it and say take and keep doing that on up. Having two ropes makes the repell easy. You can get off with one rope but it sucks. You have to rap into the mouth and rap to bond street and down.
  8. 1 block south of foster on 82nd, right next to the McDonalds is a great taqueria, if you dont speak spanish, you dont order! The best around.
  9. I have mentioned these added anchors to other climbers and the response is: CHOP, CHOP, CHOP!!!
  10. Whats up with this? So does anybody know who put the anchor in on Ant Abuse out at Madrone, its has recently been put in? I am talking about the anchor in the middle of the climb, not the top anchor. Oh yeah one other question. Why did someone put this anchor in the MIDDLE of the existing route?
  11. I wont be there tomorrow, but looking to check it out in the next couple of weeks.
  12. Yep, thats the info I needed!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Yeah, yeah daddio, as you pointed out I already know all that. I was/am looking for more/different info. Anybody??
  14. Anybody know anything about this place? I have been there once, just walked the base and checked it out, about 4 years ago. I have heard there has been developement going on. Anybody???
  15. Thanks for the update, I was actually asking about RR.
  16. What would you think to just giving it proper cleaning? Like all the moss off, so we could see where to climb.
  17. I think the difference between what me and Arent did was I had only been climbing maybe 9 months to a year. Basicaly, I did not know better. Where you have been climbing for 30 years, you knew better. And, Jim thinks (but is not sure) the piton was taken out a short while later.
  18. Just what I thought. You never answered the question! Do I have to ask it again?
  19. "Also, Jim Opdycke understands exactly why I'm posting these BRCA notices and agrees with it - but as of last night he was at a loss as to why you would even bring up this Reasonable Richard topic online as am I as well" You’ve got to be kidding! As to why I brought up the retro bolting job you did, on line. Was to call you out on it! How would you like it if I went up on Lost Warriors and added one or two bolts? And please, don’t stray for the question. How would that make you feel?
  20. Thats unbelievable!He must have been soloing and running on the trail. Were talking close to 18 mile round trip with close to 5000 foot gain and loss.
  21. OK, you win, as Crimper pointed out earlier, we cannot stop you lawfully. We can only ask and ask and ask. So let it be known, you are now completely going against the grain and are going against the consensus (read pages 1-15). Again Joe, I want you to know I have no problem with you or your work at beacon, it’s greatly appreciated. It’s just the use of the web. Would you say the senor most member to the BRCA is Jim? I would and he hates the use of the web. It makes him want to puke. So you are going against the founding member and the consensus. Just so it is now documented! We the consensus have asked you to stop, and you have said no! Who made you god? You!
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