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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    I take it, none of you have climbed it?
  2. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Anybody have a better topo than the chicken scratch I found on the web? And yes, I plan on climbing it. Looks like a fun outing.
  3. The bouldering there sucks. Bring a rope and try the real climbing. PS. this thread is way to long.
  4. DirtyHarry If its so funny, then who are you and what are your credentials for adding to the discusion. Or how about just adding without being funny. Could you do this? Or are you going to make another stupid post slamming yet another topic you know nothing about. Its called trolling.
  5. Anyone who climbs at Beacon and does not openly state who they are (RuMR), or just doesn’t climb there, should never post here again, because you have no credibility, You (RuMR are realy good at trolling, I see you posts everywhere). As you can see, Joe and others and I are having a discussion, however in disagreement, still a discussion. And if you don’t have anything to add to the topic…., well, you know where you stand.
  6. "I responded by explaining, no, that was Eric that installed all that stuff." Let me put it another way. You said the name Eric first. And you just addmitted it.
  7. Hold the phone Joe, CHECK the thread, I never mentioned Eric. YOU did. I just asked about that particular area, and you went off about Eric and his rope. I dont care about Eric, I only care about what you are doing now with Beacon. Why did you add an anchor in the ground up there? You say bolt for bolt, pin for pin. I call you bullshit. What about the tree anchor to the right of Bluebird, You went bolt for webbing. Or Windsurfer (another added anchor) or right under the crux of dods jam, another added anchor. So its not just bolt for Bolt, pin for pin. Its all about your agenda.
  8. "The rangers have been checking in on CC.com long before I ever interacted with them" Well they were not reading about beacon until you showed up and started with this BR up date.
  9. Wow, this thread went from 6 to 8 pages in under have a day. JH you might think I did this, but when you showed up and started rearranging the furniture out at Beacon, you started this. I mean you say you have been there since 1987, but know one, and I mean NO ONE, remembers you. You might have climbed there once in a while, but dont go around stating you are a local. You dont even know Ken. Know one asked you to replace all the anchors, matter of fact we asked you to stop. And you keep trucking along. Fewer anchors, shitty anchors, having to top out, is good for Beacon, keeps the place to climbers who know what they are doing. You should have only replace the jills rap and Flying Dutchman, that it.
  10. Ok, maybe your right, about being a bitchfest, but its not one man. I did bitch about eric and so did other people, but the difference is, he did not have a Beacon rock update on CC.com
  11. RuMR, I have to agree with flyingpig. Who are you? Do you climb at the rock in question? Do you have a vested interest at the Rock in question? Or are you just trolling? Im not trying to be mean, I just dont know who you are. Most of the folks on this site, know each other in person and use this site to discuss the probems we have.
  12. Look Joseph, all I know is there is ropes and new anchors up there, you may not be able to see them from the ground, but whoopti do. The rock has operated for years with out these fixy ropes You are the type of guy who comes into another persons house and rearranges the furniture to suit you. You are doing this at the rock, you are rearranging everything to suit you, and pissing a lot of people off in the process. You have clearly stated you hate bolts. But you have been bolting the crap out of Beacon. You have stated to me if it was your wish, “ all the bolts at Beacon would be pulled, all the bolts”, Hypocrisy at is best.
  13. I did not like Eric's work or mess either. But coating them with sugar to make them look a little better is crap. And the difference Joe is Eric might have made a mess with some areas, but he did not spray about it online. You are going to keep the ropes up until the end of the season and put them back up at the start of next season. That means they will alway be there. Lets not forget, our forefathers all climbed there with out bolts or anchors, i remember climing blownout with out any anchors, you had to topout.
  14. Like I said, this was just my opinion on how it looks. Let me ask this: Are you going to remove all ropes from this area? When? Why is there a rope fixed to get down to top of Blownout?
  15. Little lash, how’s it going? Beacon has been missing you. Glad to see you have entered the arena. It’s a battle of change and we have to win. At the current state, JH showed up about 2 years ago and crowned himself king of Beacon, and he bought a drill. He has pounded in more bolts than miles we live apart. Mostly replacing anchors. But he has added some too. This is all in good faith, but I personally think its about JH and his ego. I know JH and climbed and spoken with him on this subject quite abit. And when he tries to sell you on the state park, rangers, land management, closures, laws, climbing management, and all that jargon, don’t believe it. Its really all about JH. Other wise he would not be so vocal about the work he is doing. JH is like a politician, good with words. Don’t be snowed by his words. He does not listen. Larry, you should see the top of Flying Dutchman, at grassy ledges. He has added anchors, and fixed lines all over the place, just to get down to the anchors over the edge, it looks like a Robinson carusoe village, with fixes lines all over the place. He is making it way to accessible to everyone. This of course it my personal opinion.
  16. I climbed out at beacon this weekend and could not wait to dip, dip, dip. Oh yeah, I agree with snoop, modernday hieroglyphics.
  17. Would anybody be interested in having a Beacon Rock Climbers Accociation meeting on the ledge soon. Would have to be on Sat or Sunday after 4 or so. Maybe in two weeks? then we could talk about this stuff (what ever is on your mind) in person! It would get alot of stuff out in the open! Just a thought. bone
  18. "Overreacting Kev" Ya, your right. I gota switch to decafe!!!
  19. Finaly somebody agrees with me to shut up on the internet about Beacon. Sorry JH, but you are single handedly ruining Beacon. You and you alone are going to get it open early then shut for good. I know you and your heart it in the right place for sure. But you have been told over and over to stop talking about Beacon and you just dont listen. Why else are you defending yourself on every post. If you want to log on and tell the world about your last sat climbing day, and your great sends, it would be like a trip report. Cool! But to tell everybody not to use chalk because you are offended by it. That is not good. Only bad for Beacon. You dont own the rock, I know you like to think you do, but you dont!!!!!!
  20. Religion does not belong in schools, just like facts do no belong in religion.
  21. Wow Bill, thats a serious disclaimer!!!!!!
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