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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    Steve kelly

    Who is steve Kelly?
  2. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Who says I cant find IB? You? How can you not see it. Its right off the road.
  3. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Stevy, stevy, steyv, ""why don't you two go down to the gym and pump each other"" Its summer bro. Who the hell is climbing in a gym right now?
  4. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    I heard RuMR was easy too! I also heard he was a great guy. Just ask him!
  5. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    "euphemistic" Wow, thats a big word!
  6. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    "just don't want you to miss out on the stuff that is practical on this site. there's quite a bit of it. " I know you or I could find important info on this site. Lord knows I tried. And once in a while the vultures gods let me be and sincere folks answer and I get the info I need. But on this thread is open war. Some of the posters are just plain dicks. Thats alright, two can play this game . Now Im off to ASS.COM to ass my self silly!
  7. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    ""Are you sure? You'd be surprised who lurks here."" If you dont tell who you are, then you are just another poster hiding behind there computer, just like me!! Although, most folks know that kevbone is a nick name of mine given to me by close friends when i was 19 and lots of people still call me by this today. So you know who I am, I dont know who you are. SO If I make fun of you, its your online persona Im making fun of.
  8. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    ""ya know flyingpig seems to be a total wank"" Thanks minx! But if you all havent figured out yet that flyingpig and I are friends and climbing partners. So cut him slack. I am still knew to how this whole posting thing goes. I just look under the active topics, so wherether it is spray or climbers board. Its all the same to me. Is that bad?
  9. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Dude, its alot closer east, its not far at all.
  10. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    You have got to be kidding. You all realize this is all in jest. This web site is a made for having fun, and NOT to be taken seriously. I found that out when I was trying to be serious, asking a sincere question about climb. I got slammed the minute it posted. So after that, I realized we all sit behind out desks and get bored at work and doodle on these sites. We all are or used to be climbers (hopefully), and for that we are connected in some twisted way. I of course don’t know any of you, just like you don’t know me. This is how we can make fun of each other and get away with it. I know I will be slammed in some way for saying this. I will bend over now and take it!
  11. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    "listen...i have limited tools to work with here...i'm doin' the best i can...sheesh..." for once I have to agree with my online friend!
  12. kevbone

    Topo of topo

    Im putting you on my resume! can I please, huh, huh huh!!
  13. kevbone

    Topo of topo

    got ya. I thought I could hook, line, and sinker you into posting on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    "Mom always told me I had stupid genes." Your mom always told you, you were stupid. Wow.
  15. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Kid is right, im 12.
  16. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    RuMR, thats all you are. I heard a RuMR about RuMR. Its RuMRed that theres a RuMR about RuMR. ""bly by" is the sound flyingtool makes when kevboned is havin' his way with him (also known as thrunting) " Now thats funny.
  17. kevbone

    Topo of topo

    Im looking for a topo of topo's, like how to read topo and where to find them.
  18. Thanks, but it was a joke. We all know to climb hood, just follow the well worn trail. and crowds.
  19. yeah, you know a topo of were the glacer ends and were the perly gates are.
  20. I was looking for a topo of Mt Hood. I could not find any, Help!
  21. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Tools, all tools, everybody on this site is a tool. Tools,ToolsToolsToolsToolsToolsToolsTools
  22. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Infinite bliss is the best route in the world! I think?
  23. kevbone

    Infinite bliss

    Are you kidding, DH sprays on every fricking thread out there, so does all of you, thats what CC.com is all about. Havent you figured that out yet?
  24. Condums are not members only jackets!
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