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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I was told Obama already stated he would veto it....I cant find him saying this.....
  2. Thanks Kellie for all your hard work on this project.
  3. I am surprised FW and KKKKK are not all over this praising it.
  4. http://www.businessinsider.com/secret-bill-to-be-voted-on-today-would-allow-the-military-to-sweep-up-us-citizens-at-home-or-abroad-2011-11 Either Monday or Tuesday the Senate will vote on a bill that allows the US military to imprison civilians with no formal charges and hold them with no trial. 1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States; (2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would other wise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself. Seriously....
  5. You are Kevboning very well. And you are Dru (ing) very well.....
  6. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Really? Lets hear what KKKKK or fairweather have to say on the subject.
  7. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Honestly, it is an important awareness to raise. Thinking that we were attacked simply because we are a free people is total lunacy and very fox newsish......
  8. You are hilarious Rob. I dont recall ever commenting on the space industry. Yet you know how I feel about it. you go boy.
  9. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    [video:youtube] Of course all the haters will reject simply because I am posting it. Commence with the sarcasm.......3.....2......1
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZmPWcLQ1Mk&feature=player_embedded
  11. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZmPWcLQ1Mk
  12. My link was not a Ron Paul link. But thanks for playing.
  13. The super committee is a joke. Just like most of Washington.
  14. Same reason you changed your name on here....do we need to get into who you really are?
  15. Kevbone, could you please explain to us what CORPORATE FASCISM is? Also, CULTURAL MARXISM? Also, you can be BOTH? HOLY COW!!! So did you watch it? Or are you choosing ignorance?
  16. Honestly Porter. You dont really get a real opinion about this topic until you watch the entire video. At that point if you have real concerns about the topic, i would love to hear it. Until then, I will go back to reading your (as you put it) ignorant self. Take care....I do look forward to hearing your honest thoughts.... Of course we both know that will never happen on this site. Especially from an administrator. But one can hope.
  17. Keep watching....you will soon realize it is your crap too....
  18. Now that the Source is open it is about an 8 minute drive from my house. Say goodbye to all the Portland gyms.
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