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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. WTF, ron paul? I thought you were all libertarian and shit. Just another fucking ass puppet trying to legislate christian morality. How can anybody respect his position? He's not even consistent. Please tell me how a sitting president can tell any court how to decide anything? I call BS.
  2. kevbone

    Bill Maher

  3. I am surprised that the moderators have not moved this over to spray....ego thread?
  4. Yes, the kids climbed. For some of them it was their first time in that environment so there was no dads pushing them. They climbed what they wanted to. If you go across the bridge and take a right. About 200 feet down is Practice Boulder. It has anchors on top. We set up two top ropes one on each side using only one rope. The kids climbed several times each and the dads got to boulder. Amazing weather.
  5. Just got back from Smith. What a crazy trip. We had a party of 10. 4 adults and 6 children ranging from 4-8 years old. They all hiked in and all hiked out. The grasslands (minus all the drama) is a very kid friendly place. I got to see a bunch a people I have not seen in years. Smith Rock rocks. The trip did prove one thing for me....I am out of shape.
  6. Actually it appears that is what you want us to believe in.
  7. There are lots of holes in what we've been told about that! More from the right.
  8. [video:youtube]
  9. ru sure that was not just kevbone?
  10. kevbone

    More lies.

    and there, ladies and gentlemen, is the root of the problem. Exactly, that's what I am saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. kevbone

    More lies.

    Did you guys even watch the video? Puts alot of holes in what we were told to believe.
  12. Almost a month with no posts. Wow.
  13. kevbone

    More lies.

    Hey retard, how's it going today in simpleton-land?
  14. I am super stoked to be heading out to Smith this evening with my 5 year old. We have 4 dads going and 6 children. The weather is supposed to be great. I still have to buy a couple of cigars......
  15. kevbone

    More lies.

    Sounds like the US Government. You sound like a republifuck. Mr. I believe what ever the status quo is.....
  16. kevbone

    More lies.

    War on terror. i'm sorry, but for full credit your answer must be in complete sentences. THE War on Terror.
  17. kevbone

    More lies.

    Ill tell you what Rob, I will tell you what I dont believe. I dont believe most of what the government tells me to believe. Does that help you?
  18. kevbone

    More lies.

    Who said I dont believe it.....there you go again ASSuming.
  19. kevbone

    More lies.

    Just go ahead and believe what you are told to believe. Sheep......bah..... says the guy who believes whatever he watches on youtube So....if I post something from youtube then you assume I believe it? Dude....you gots to stop ASSuming.
  20. kevbone

    More lies.

    Just go ahead and believe what you are told to believe. Sheep......bah.....
  21. yada yada blah blah blah...... Have you ever posted anything important? Try commenting on the reform act.
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