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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Who is the nutjob? Do you not believe we need to have a full audit on the Federal Reserve?
  2. Apparently you are paying attention.
  3. And there is the problem. Did you know that Rob is extremely sarcastic?
  4. Where is this place at? What state? Who drilled the anchors?
  5. I very rarely read TR's. Its all about the pictures for me.
  6. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Typical BS answer. Ron Paul for pres. the world would be a better place. Typical Ron Paul supporter response. I see you're winning hearts and minds necessary to get the votes! ...I think there is a black helicopter outside my house right now reading the RFID chips they planted on my money! We need to get back to the gold standard so this can't happen!!!!! I get what you are saying now....you are equating conspiracy theorists with Ron Paul. That is why I said "show me". Usually very liberal thinkers think the sky is falling, not conservatives. And since he is the most conservative person running.....how can you equate the two?
  7. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Like I said....a BS (nice attempt at humor) answer.
  8. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Typical BS answer. Ron Paul for pres. the world would be a better place.
  9. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    All fun and games, but what does it have to do with Ron Paul?
  10. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    What do any of those things have to do with Ron Paul? Seriously?
  11. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Only because of the media black out and how much he threatens the current status quo and establishment. media blackout LOOOOOOL! Truth usually hurts.
  12. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Maybe it is because you like old men's mouths?
  13. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Only because of the media black out and how much he threatens the current status quo and establishment.
  14. kevbone

    Ron Paul

    Wake up America [video:youtube]
  15. Taking the kids to the new climbing gym in downtown Vancouver today. Sweet!!!! Today is their grand opening.
  16. Those pictures make Beacon look so dirty. Oh wait...it is dirty. Glad to see you back out on the rock Ken.
  17. Thanks for the heads up. I first climbed Blownout when there were no bolted anchors. That was good times. Thank you Andrew (Pink) for putting them in.
  18. kevbone


    Just squeeking that ballot in under the wire, eh Sobo? I sure did. After reading this I ran and found my ballot and completed it. I drove down to the local drop off box. A worker was collecting them along with the evening news going live on the spot. I asked when is the latest we can drop them off. He said 8 pm. It was 7:56 pm. "under the wire" is right.
  19. Yo....I got some really good stuff over here..... :[]
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