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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Whats the problem Rob. Cat's got your tongue?
  2. That's okay. The Sammy Hagar version of VH was waaay better. They did include Sammy, Right????!@!!! Yes they did. It was on page 38
  3. Are you serious? He has a 43% approval rating, we have 9% unemployment and most importantly, the election is still a year out. Yeah, but look who the GOP is trying to get to run against him. Cain? Perry? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I actually think the GOP *wants* obama to win. He gives the republicans everything they want, and a republican president would only unite a democratic opposition, which is currently still licking Obama's palm. Obama staying in office is the best possible thing that could happen to the GOP. (and the banks) Follow the link I posted. Tweak Barry's approval rating. Tweak economic growth. Even Cain could win according to that model. Cain is going down in flames quicker by the minute. 9 9 9 baby!
  4. Do you think when Jaime's crying we will be running with the devil on the way to the house of pain so we can all be hot for teacher?
  5. Linky Nice....they dont even list Ron Paul. Shit, dude, they left David Lee Roth off there too! WTF?? Wake up McFly......DLR is not running for president.....
  6. Linky Nice....they dont even list Ron Paul.
  7. Has anyone checked out the new rock climbing gym in downtown Vancouver, WA? I stepped in yesterday for the first time. They are scheduled to open Nov 11th. IT LOOKS SWEET. A couple of the best route setters from the PRG (sorry Gary) are the new owners and they have done a great job. To Hans and Michael So cool having a climbing gym 2 miles from my house. bye bye circut and PRG.
  8. No no....it will be Romney because that is what the very right wing controlled media wants it to be. Nothing more. They do not give the other candidates any real time on TV. Ron Paul has been given more than enough time to show he's a kook. At least he can answer a direct question.....ouch!
  9. No no....it will be Romney because that is what the very right wing controlled media wants it to be. Nothing more. They do not give the other candidates any real time on TV.
  10. Libtards of cc.com don't like any republican candidate, ever. No story. Move along. WRONG! Kev just proved you wrong. So again I ask you...who do you like? Unless you're too chicken to answer the question. Which you are of course. I think KKK has proven time and time again he is too chicken to give a real answer here.
  11. Libtards of cc.com don't like any republican candidate, ever. No story. Move along. I like Ron Paul.
  12. We have the government that we deserve. Until we vote in folks who are not bought and paid for nothing will change. Isn't this like telling a battered housewife that she deserves to get beaten until she leaves him for someone else? No not at all.
  13. We have the government that we deserve. Until we vote in folks who are not bought and paid for nothing will change.
  14. kevbone

    What time is it...

    I will drink to that......
  15. kevbone

    Ridin the rails

    Awesome or a dumbass?
  16. Come on robbie.....give a little. sickie
  17. http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/11961 To all the nay sayers.
  18. kevbone

    good or bad

    NSFW. Maybe? [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k8EDJbpkpk
  19. WTF, ron paul? I thought you were all libertarian and shit. Just another fucking ass puppet trying to legislate christian morality. How can anybody respect his position? He's not even consistent. Please tell me how a sitting president can tell any court how to decide anything? I call BS. They usually tell things standing, unless it is a TV interview or Oral Orifice speech.
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