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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. *** You are ignoring this user *** Poor form. One cannot be a true sprayer until you can take the heat. IMO.
  2. You suck at the internet.
  3. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=
  4. Come on Rob.....you stated there are other people from the left who are running....list them please.
  5. Please list them. Thanks!
  6. I would totally vote this guy into office if he was running. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYWWBwf2wHE
  7. Are or were? I am a huge fan of Dennis Kucinich but he is not running....so I have to choose from the field of people who are actually running for president. Obama has had time to make changes and speak about issues that actually matter to me but he just keeps with the status quo. He even choose the same Secretary of Defense that Bush had. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.....remember? So....moving forward, I think that Ron Paul is the only candidate who takes the constitution seriously. But that is just me.
  8. Given the latest round of Tea Party muscle flexing in the House I'd say we're getting our share and more of batshit crazy. Batshit crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Like the current government. Obama is just the same as Bush is some respects. I am ready to go in a totally new direction. Batshit crazy libertarians arguing against SS (and and for deregulation, privatization, etc..) have been mostly in control of government since Reagan (Greenspan, Niskanen, etc). How does regurgitating their anti-social drivel amount to going "in a totally new direction"? A totally new direction would mean not being the worlds police and bringing all of our troops home. Letting the patriot act expire and ending the federal reserve completely. Returning to the gold standard and abiding by the constitution. If you think that is batshit crazy then I cant help you.
  9. Probably out riding his bike.
  10. Given the latest round of Tea Party muscle flexing in the House I'd say we're getting our share and more of batshit crazy. Batshit crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Like the current government. Obama is just the same as Bush is some respects. I am ready to go in a totally new direction.
  11. [video:youtube] Not sure why it is not embedding the video correctly.
  12. No. Not Paul, Santorum, Perry, or Bachmann. mmmm....that leaves????
  13. Yup...... 24 days on a wall. Can you imagine?
  14. Who decides who will be a threat? Such crap. [video:youtube]
  15. No because a uniformed enemy combatants is just that.....uniformed. It is clear who they are fighting for. Were under the USA version is you just have to have brown skin. Who the hell decides who is a terrorist and who is not?
  16. So will they now have to teach kids about the FOUR branches of government in High School. Or will that even be pointless as the kangaroo court will be different from week to week? [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQLwGSq0FqQ
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