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Everything posted by sweatinoutliquor

  1. What a great writeup Jojo! Awesome work you guys, inspiring!
  2. Awesome story, thanks for sharing and for the great pics.
  3. Fantastic report and pictures. And a big cheers to you and your son for doing a heck of a job on such a traverse. Inspirational bit of family activity right here. :tup:
  4. Congrats to you and yer wife, and thanks for sharing some beautiful pics!
  5. Got a chance to try out the new avalanche safety inflating backpack attachment this past weekend at Diamond... Conditions were pretty sketch, so we figured it'd be good to deploy the device before dropping in. As you can see in the picture it was probably a good thing to have as most of the bowl slid. It was pretty touch and go there for a bit, but I'm fairly confident that she may have saved me from at least an ankle deep burial. I would be surprised if I didn't see one of these on the backs of a lot of backcountry skiers in the near future.
  6. What an awesome adventure! Thanks for writing it all up, was a great read! The vid is bad-assed! If I hadn't read the story first I would have thought swimmy-swim...
  7. Wow! That looks fantastic!
  8. Thought maybe y'all would like some shots from across the way.
  9. Yo dude, I'm interested in the story... All this brand newish gear... Did you win it in a contest or get hurt or something? Must be a story behind a pile of new gear for sale.
  10. Looks like it's true
  11. After a little research, I think it would be prudent to wait to see if Petzl actually says anything about it. Sounds like lots of people are starting to think it's a hoax (about a hoax)... If so i really apologize for posting this. more discussion here
  12. Ya, pins are still there. Summit has changed a little in the past few years, but the climbing really hasn't (at least the sections that you would consider protecting). Seems like Mazamas or not it's a bit zooish up there, maybe try to hit it mid-week or early AM or late PM.
  13. See link Will be interesting to see if Petzl confirms...
  14. Wow, just read through the TAY thread. What a sad story. She sounded like a really awesome person.
  15. Way to get after it guys! Really appreciate you taking the time to post up the report... We've been trying to decide if it's worth dusting off the skis for this weekend, doesn't look like the corn is really happening yet although the temps look like they are going up in the next couple of days.
  16. Jeff Park was a very do-able car to car day. Nowhere near the physical effort of the sisters marathon. It doesn't leave a lot of time for getting lost, but I don't recall any jogging either. Just be in good shape and be prepared to be on the move for most of a day. Actually I think overall we expended less effort by not dragging our overnight gear in there.
  17. Eek. That snow looked way heavy.
  18. That is a great vid Ian, nice work getting out and exploring in that area.
  19. For Pearly Gates, follow this group For Old Chute, follow this group Seriously dude, I googled old chute, clicked on images and this is what came up... Don't come on here acting all pissy cause someone pointed out your google skillz are shit. Sometimes we flame people with at least twice as many posts as you have!! Seriously though, I'd look from March to May for the best weather window, I usually avoid heading up there is the forecast calls for more than a 40% chance of precip. Bring you rock gear too, cause it's really nice to head over to Smith if you think the weather is gonna suck up on the hill.
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