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Everything posted by sweatinoutliquor

  1. He was one of us, and he will be missed. Thanks for sharing that tidbit Porter.
  2. I can't stand this crap. The people screaming loudest are so horiffically uninformed. I honestly think that most of them think a MLU is like the little badge thingy worn by star trek people... "okay, looks like jimmy's hurt, beam us outta here" Anyway, I try to leave comments on the news sites, but usually just get beat down by the stupidity. But, I have come up with a solution that works for me, maybe you should try it too: Every time you read the word "beacon", just subtract the "e" and you get bacon. It's much more enjoyable to read about and listen on the news if you hear: "If only these climbers had brought their bacon, we wouldn't be wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on SAR and crashing helicopters every 5 minutes..." It's also fun to pretend that the people shouting about it are the rednecks from south park... "They tuk 'r jobs! (Durk r jrbs!!!)"
  3. Scott, I'm gonna be thinking about them tonight. Best luck and wishes to you at this difficult time.
  4. Oh no Not good.
  5. Nice looking truck! Wish I was on the market!
  6. Nice pics man! Lotta jealous folks on this board! Hey, I wonder if those are mtn goat tracks???
  7. I bought a pair of Rambo IVs a yearish ago but returned them. The reason I didn't like them was that the flat rigid platform that your boot sole goes on is indeed FLAT, which didn't match the mildly cambered contour of my trango ice evo's sole... That meant that at the toe, there was kinda a half inch gap between the sole of the boot and the crampon platform. I returned them anyway, in part because other than being rigid, they didn't seem a whole lot different than my G-14's. Also, the heel spur (which you aren't interested in anyway, and neither am I) seemed really crappy compared to the darts.
  8. 6 screws: 1x22, 2x13, 3x10???? I like stubbies for mountaineering... When I use screws on the volcanos I often find myself placing them in thin but solid ice over rock. Just my opinion. You can always tie off longer screws I guess.
  9. Sickness doods! :tup:
  10. :tup: Great pics and what looks like a great time. That there is what it's all about.
  11. Well played.
  12. Damn those etc. pitches... Good story though!
  13. So wait, we talking white satin, sky ridge, snibble tower area? That is interesting. I wonder what they found up there?
  14. Very sad... Sounds like just the wrong place at the wrong time.
  15. Don't spray without talking to the park managers.
  16. Sweet report writeup, that looks like an awesome route! I can imagine you are probably the right person to weight the pros and cons of specific caves at this point.
  17. Anna just confirmed! Said Jojo's down, happy, and hungry.
  18. http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/stranded_climber_facing_5th_day_alone_on_mount_terror/ Sounds like our boy is down. Haven't heard any details, but the article indicates the good news.
  19. I was thinking the same thing Pete but Steph is totally right... Hindsight is 20/20. I'd give the rescuers credit for having the smarts to get him the stuff they did given the seriousness of the rescue they were in the middle of performing at the time. Tomorrow will hopefully be a good day and they'll be able to at least fly a team into the cirque below, if not just be able to pluck him from where he's at
  20. From the sounds of it retreat/self rescue may not be a great option... My understanding is that Steph and Donn used the remaining "good" rope to climb to cell reception, so my suspicion is that he doesn't have enough gear to back off by himself. Anyway, keep hoping for that nice weather window tonight and tomorrow!!!
  21. Thank you so much for the update Steph.
  22. Jason is a good friend of mine and the thought of him stuck on a ridge is leaving me a little sick... Apparently Steph and Donn had to leave to call for assistence, but Jason got to stay up there to help the injured fella out. From what I can gather he's got some supplies and a radio that they left with him, but I can't imagine he's very comfortable right now. The weather looks pretty crappy too. Please send him some good vibes. Additionally, if anyone knows where I can get some more info about the situation please let me know or call me at 541 974 2062. I know it's probably under control and not practical, but if additional mountain rescue resources are needed please let me know cause folks from my unit (Corvallis) are ready to roll up there to lend a hand in any way if needed.
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