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Everything posted by sweatinoutliquor

  1. Iron mountain spire? I wonder if it's got it's own name.
  2. Welcome! Just a couple of suggestions... If it's nice you may consider trudging up to the illumination saddle... Sounds like that may be more than you are looking for, but it's a pretty cool spot. For something a little closer try contouring east out of the dirt lot at timberline over towards whiteriver canyon. You wouldn't have to go too far to get some really nice views and be away from the hubbub of Timberline.
  3. Just my humble opinion, but the barometric altimeter sucks, and there is no way to turn it off. GPS calculated elevation works a lot better. You can go through a number of different menus to calibrate the barometric altimeter with the GPS, but it's slow and sorta a pain. Magnetic compass sucks too in my opinion, but you CAN turn that off with the push of a button. Saves on batteries too. Personally I'd say the the one step down may actually be better (the one without the mag compass and barometer), but I've never used that one so I don't really know. Other than those two features the thing seems to pretty much kick ass. Color display is sweet, turn on to sat lock times are generally fast, and it's easy to use. I do use the mapsource TOPO software on it and yes, it's pretty cool. I never thought I'd want more than a waypoint machine, but I have to admit that having topo lines and streams and hiking trails can be pretty handy. I'd say that most of the consumer grade GPS units out there that are for "hikers", etc. will get you your signal pretty reliably, except if you are under a canopy on steepish north facing slopes. I'd also consider checking out the Geko models as well. I think they are a little smaller and cheaper, but don't have a color display.
  4. Chinooks from Pendelton, and my understanding is that the 1042 still has a single alpha model blackhawk on loan from outta state. Probably not as capeable at high altitude, but better than nothing. Thanks for everything 1042/Charlie Co., be safe and come home soon!
  5. Good work guys. Safe "mostly" self-rescue kicks ass.
  6. Dude, they are worth it. Warmer and more comfortable that a hat in my opinion. I'd look for one with adjustable vents, which are extremely handy. Switching the vent from "on" to "off" is for me about the equivelent in temperature regulation as taking a layer off. It lets you control your temp really well. Also check that the goggles you use fit the helmet and dont leave a big gap on your forehead. I bought a Leedom something or other about 7 years ago and I still use it, the thing is awesome. Oh yeah, and they protect your noodle.
  7. Again, it was nice to meet you guys up there. Awesome photos and writeup. Way to keep your shit together getting up to where you got and then off in one piece. I can imagine trying to get from the reid hw down into Leutholds was spicy to say the least. Good work!
  8. Nice to meet you guys Wage and Mike! Sounds like a cool way up jport... The view down those gullies was pretty cool from up on the east crater rim. In the event that anyone was wondering, the second to last shot above is from the old chute.
  9. Great job guys... Really enjoyable read and good pics too.
  10. Wage, that was me and my buddy Aaron you guys were parked next to in the AM (I think... we were the fools with skis). Glad you guys made it off okay cause I was thinking sandy was going to be a long day for sure. We had great conditions on Wy'east, and rolled up on the rescue just as it was getting started. After all of the carnage we got back to our car pretty late, looked at your rig, and then back up at the mountain and couldn't see anyone coming down. Crazy day in the hillz for sure.
  11. I know this may not help with the direction of this thread, but shortly after buying a pair of plastic AT boots I just got rid of my Koflachs. The AT boots basically climbed/slogged just as well and obviously worked out a little better for the skiing part!
  12. I've got an extra pair of brakes (regular size) I'm willing to part with on the cheap if that helps.
  13. 1. Download google earth on your computer. 2. Use the placemark tool to establish a series of points along your route. Name them fun names like "camp" and "bergshrund crossing" 3. Buy a garmin 4. Google "DNR Garmin" and download the free software from the minnesota department of natural resources. 5. Run the software, which automatically pulls the points from google earth onto your garmin and stores them as waypoints. 6. When you start your trip, reference a couple of the points (for example, "bar" and "beer stash point") you made to make sure they are indeed on this continent. Anyway, I've never done this on a climbing trip, and no, it's not going to help you in a nasty crevasse field (well, maybe it will), but for general navigation it's pretty cool. I've used this for work (forestry) and am almost alarmed by how accurate it can be.
  14. Nice write-up Bill. If folks are going to do it, they may as well know what tools they need to do it right.
  15. Nice writeup. I saved a copy.
  16. Nice work guys, I'd been wondering about that route for a while now.
  17. I sent ya an email, basically asking for a description of wear or a photo. Good price buddy, seems like folks are giving those things away on this site. PS, congrats on 666 posts.
  18. BD Spot is a flaming pile of dog shit... Mine has broken in 3 different places since I've bought it. The light part of it works sweet, but the fact that I had to literally tape it to the strap and then tape the thing together so that it doesn't fall off is sorta a drawback. Actually I take it back, the bright setting of it isn't that impressive either. I miss my tikka. Anyway, maybe I got a lemon I guess. Here's the real gig though: http://www.surefire.com/maxexp/main/co_disp/displ/prrfnbr/24460/sesent/00 + some tape or scope mounting ring = better than any headlamp hands down.
  19. Nice pics!
  20. That sucks... Just happened to my girlfriend last year at the columns in Eugene. They nabbed her stuff and rang up 300 bucks worth of crap on one of her cards by the time she could cancel everything (within an hour). She didn't have to pay for that stuff, but she did have to buy a new cell phone and get a new drivers licence, etc. HUGE hassle. Anyway, I agree, I hope whoever poached your stuff get's what they deserve.
  21. I've heard colder than average, but not quite as much precip as last winter... I'd be down for a repeat performance though. Last year was the most snow I've ever seen.
  22. Easy drop in addition to your Fritschi Diamir bindings... If you are still using those stupid absurd straps that come with the bindings you need these instead. Link Size medium, only used one season. $35
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