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Everything posted by Kimmo

  1. to be fair, posting that photo for the purposes it was posted is a rather sad testament to its poster.
  2. from will gadd: "I'm 12-15 pounds heavier after the last three months of going at CF". Yikes! "CF is "agnostic," meaning that it encourages examination, discussion, and experimentation." mebbe just the followers become theists? "CF is not sport-specific, nor does it claim to be. Doing CF to be a better sport climber, runner, swimmer, kayaker, or whatever is a waste of time."
  3. i don't think he'll be doing any hauling when he goes for the rp.... yeah yeah!
  4. except he's trying to develop all day stamina at a strength and power level that i'm trying to simply achieve! have you seen the pitch difficulty numbers of his project? wowzers. (pet peeve: he says he boulders for 3 mo's to achieve "power", but he's actually achieving strength and power; it seems to me with climbing the two go hand in hand (even in campusing) and you can't have "power" without the requisite strength). cool on the static stuff! just did a little at the gym last night, and will do more tonite. yeah never done anything that resulted so quickly in raw "strength" gains. kinda like gymnasts holding their positions up to a minute as they develop (try staticing a climb sometime where you hold the body position for 10 secs before grabbing the hold, with the hand just hovering over the hold you're gonna grab. fun stuff!).
  5. Hey Jack-Donkey "El-Jefe" nicht: What's your amazing real-life profession? C'mon! Fess up so we can inappropriately ridicule it on a climbing web-site. What do you do for a living, eh big shot? What's that??? Embarrassed? Sit down, little, little man. ask yahweh for help with your insecurities. If you skip over sections of the old testament and look to the kabbalah, you will find he is a loving god only there to help you grow.
  6. that's funny. i don't think gym jones or crossfit is training olympic caliber athletes in any discipline. correct me if i'm wrong. it seems like the whole puking thing is just part of the image that "hardman twight" uses to sell his product. it's not necessarily training smart, it's just aspiring to be a "badass". i think if you're puking regularly, then you're either out of shape, eating too close to intense workouts, or both.
  7. i think that pretty much sums it up.
  8. what can one do with the liverwort, besides make attractive hand-bags?
  9. is there anything there to lobotomize?
  10. nice work! what are your FA's like? sporto, trad, steep....?
  11. damns, what's with all the baby daughters? i also happily became the daddy of a little girl this year, January 12th! and somehow found more dedication and time (funny how they go hand in hand) to climb and train (well, train) more than i ever have, going from hobbyist climbing half-serious 6 mo's out of the year to really stoked near full-time climber. bolted a few lines in the last year, one called Baby On Board in honor of my wife's pregnancy. weighed in around 13b/c and super fun. the extension is waiting for efforts this upcoming winter and spring, and is significantly harder, maybe 14a or b (hence the training). bolted and FA'd another line called Silverback, also around 13b/c. super fun bouldery affair. another bolt job extended an existing 13a, creating a line that will probably be in the 14 to 14+ range. premature to guess right now, but so it seems. that one i'll probably open up to any takers cuz i'll be occupied with babe extension, and don't see a less than multi-year effort for me to possibly rp it (if i ever could!). a good year, on many fronts!
  12. i'm not sure what the above is exactly addressing, and rarely is one single event/thingamajig the problem, but certainly many (all?) "isms" present a problem, because they seemingly become more important to their followers than the facts and realities on the ground. yes, but it does seem that the "values of the culture", along with the "daily individual action and habit" are both dramatically affected by the "isms" that both they and the leadership profess to follow. note the effects of "freedomism" and "choicism" on the current domestic narrative of health-care reform. a little overly dramatic, considering historical events and struggles.
  13. i suppose we could argue about the reasons why he "hasn't delivered". i would suggest that "capitalists" have differing relationships to "capitalism" itself, but in the end, any form of proposed structural change to a system is of course limited by one's allegiance to that particular system. in other words, the system's existence itself must be protected, which opens the door, i believe, to the behaviour we are witnessing now inre obama (BECAUSE of the fact that he identifies himself as a "capitalist").
  14. obama's a self-avowed capitalist: i dont think there is anything so grandly surprising in anything above (beyond the emotive grandstanding and superlatives of the author). while he toots his populist horn, i think anyone with a clear mind saw that no deep structural changes would come about as a result of his presidency; while i don't doubt he might feel morally driven to pay lip service to the sins he sees around him (something the republicans won't even do), i just don't think he has the wherewithal or fortitude to deliver. that's why my conscience drove me to vote for nader.
  15. Kimmo

    Name Changes Due

    well put. succinct and to the point. their posts belong in spray, or in their own rant column.
  16. Kimmo

    Name Changes Due

    if i owned this website, you and dwayner would have had your very own forum a hell of a long time ago. you could have named it anything you want-get creative here-and there you would have gone on and on about your pet peeves about sportos and blah blah blah. i would never have put up with your insistent whining on every thread for as long as the owners of this site have. if you didn't stay in your forum, then it's B-BYE! as things are, you should be hella greatful that you both haven't been 86'd for your insistence on being such incessant pests. which is what you are. pests. wah wah wah cuz your posts got moved? what a sense of entitlement!
  17. dave macleod has a new book out. could be good, might even order it. i like macleod cuz he's honest, he's been there (climbs hella good), is completely committed, and started from scratch ie was a gumby, no natural. and multiple injuries he's recovered from.
  18. yeah i think they do mainly singles and some doubles. couple of points: firstly, would there be a need for most to adopt such a rigorous training program? i think there are only a few people who would be interested in pushing their bodies to these extremes, and to be very proficient at most activities would NOT require this type of approach. but for those few who are, then it becomes an experiment: what happens if i commit to two weeks of training at X intensity? 4 weeks? 6 weeks? what format would this be? can i commit to dragging my ass to the wall 3 times a day, 6 days a week? can i honestly gauge the condition of my elbows, finger pulleys, etc? can i handle potentially feeling like crap for a couple of weeks? and for what? some strange goal of "climbing harder"? wtf? buahahahahaaaa. interesting tid-bit: read recently about some chinese mid distance runners, and how they had (have?) these super intense weeks where they would run 175 miles at speed. NOT just jogging along, but shorter fast runs multiple times a day, all week. that's friggin 7 marathons a week. they won a coupla golds i think, and then disappeared?
  19. Kimmo

    Sport vs Trad

    actually i think just you should shut the hell up. perhaps pope too. your level of discourtesy has been quite over the top. i mean really, what would yahweh say? the jewish god of vengeance would smite you.
  20. ?????????????? 14 question marks indicate either a number of questions, or one very burning question: may I help you with either scenario?
  21. uhhh....look above: you don't call that work? sheezle.
  22. Kimmo

    Sport vs Trad

    you bring nothing to this discussion. please stick to things you understand. Now sit down.
  23. i think i mentioned how i worked up to a minute (or more) and then upped the intensity so the hangs would be shorter, finally culminating in weighted hangs for 5 secs or so, repeated multiple times (the progression happening over a month or two). yeah i think my thinking was in line with your last sentence above. i don't think one needs to approach it this way, but it seems a little safer perhaps if one works up to the intensities of hard fingerboard work, instead of jumping right in with weighted 3/8" edge hangs.
  24. Kimmo

    Sport vs Trad

    i'm not sure what you are talking about with cubicle, since i haven't sat in one for a decade, but i'm glad you enjoyed your exciting adventure. what does the holy text of judaism say about grave-robbery, btw? it is all good, pretty much. i mean sure there are those who find something to complain about wherever they go, but i kinda like the "everything is perfect exactly the way it is, and there is room for improvement" approach. i think the the holy texts of judaism talk about this issue too, and how one shouldn't be bitter and whiny all the time (it's really a sin against god). i think even yahweh cracked a little smile, man. get over yourself; it's what god wants you to do.
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