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Everything posted by Kimmo

  1. i noticed my name in the "reply to", so i'm hoping i didn't offend you. that certainly wasn't my intention. perhaps my comment about jesus not making you do anything because he passed away 2000 years ago could be offensive? certainly wasn't meant that way, and was more directed at the wording of the thread title (i really don't think jesus would make anyone do anything, even if he was walking around right now....doesn't seem like it was his style). the only irritation i have ever had with some of the christians i know is the seeming lack of humbleness regarding their belief. the "i know what i believe is true." well there might be a few other things too, like all non-believers go to hell and such; it just seems that communication breaks down at some point, and this is kinda unfortunate. hard to be close friends with someone when you can't have open dialog and challenge each other's beliefs. having said that, my best friend in high school and college was a pretty devout christian. we talked about these things all the time. but he was also able to say "i don't know", as was i. but yeah i feel ya about the whole "i know what the truth is" spiel, whether it comes from an atheist (or a christian).
  2. not to be pickin on you, but the above isn't true. some atheists pray, but not to a god or a deity. orthodox buddhists are atheists, and they pray. i think prayer can be powerful stuff, whether or not one believes in a "god".
  3. even with the weight issues? powerful stuff, that eesha yoga.
  4. Kimmo


    if yer going that route, stella artois.
  5. Gotta call post-modern BS on you. What are you referring to? You don't think climbing has objective reality? hmm... we were talking about what climbing is to individuals, and that relationship is subjective. of course the act of climbing itself is objective, to the degree that we all can agree on some identifiable event actually occuring. but, i suppose that the relationship between humanoid and any given event is perhaps objectifiable, ie it can be reduced to scientifically identifiable markers. but, i suppose it can be argued that science itself is subjective....
  6. climbing itself is what it is for the person; it doesn't have any intrinsic objective reality.
  7. wanting to be better at something is selfish.. not neccesarily the activity you want to be better at. only if you desire that improvement for ego gratification methinks. the idea of "improvement" is kinda tricky....what if you want to become a "better" person, ie "improve"; would that be selfish?
  8. anything that makes you feel better/good will potentially help you climb better. whether it's meditation, prayer, chanting, drugs, helping your neighbor, etc. although i don't think jesus will make you do a damn thing, since he's kinda dead and stuff, i think.
  9. Kimmo


    and if donald aka dwayner was anything besides a whiner, he'd go remove the horrible terrible offensive bolts himself. but he's not, so he won't. but for all i know, he just trolls and doesn't give a damn about bolts and such anyways.
  10. Kimmo


    i think the comment towards marc was more about his ethics, and those have nothing to do with one's climbing abilities. not that i really care about ib one way or another. sounds like garfield's got plenty of adventure left on her flanks. oo lala
  11. we are cuurently working on more important issues. check IB thread.
  12. i think it was you who brought up gandhi? about how the means are never justified by the ends? so if one's attempts to "change" things are fueled by anger, then the changes are tainted.... btw, i don't think conditions now are comparable to the 30's....
  13. Kimmo


    ah a big boi. i'll make sure those bolts are 1/2" stainless.
  14. Kimmo


    what the hell are you talking about, man? your middle-aged gut has gone to your head, bro, cuz you ain't making sense. bolt anything.... sheesh. onto lighter topics haha, 170.25 at the gym yesterday, 169.5 today. yes!160 by the end of feb, 155 in march!
  15. The policies "how we got here" are being continued by Barry. And Americans see that. which policies exactly?
  16. Kimmo


    and we all know how similar it is too (not to mention important. because i'm quite sure my world would come to an end if this happened. and that is how i measure importance).
  17. Kimmo


    thank you for clearing my eyes of the mist that kept me from seeing the importance of the debate.
  18. being a full-blooded finn, drying out for a month on occasion strikes me as a pretty good idea.
  19. good lord people, he wants to climb 5.10 alpine style (which he is already capable of doing); he's not training for the cross-fit olympics! a couple of hours a week or less would keep him in shape for doing this, without the mad suffering the above indicates....
  20. hmmm i had the feeling haston was serious about his 800/day diet, but i think my strategy's gonna be eating light and mainly raw foods (including raw fish and some kitfo mmmmmm), drinking only fresh juices on some days every week, and eating some whey protein powder in fresh juice before and after workouts. mebbe 500 cal one day, 1500 the next, depending on activity level. oh, and no beer, starting feb 1st. fukinay. crazy dorky shit all this i say!
  21. Wrong 'bout that, Bill. They've been singing his praises here for some time now. Liar. What I said was that agrarian reform and getting rid of the oligarchy was a good idea but I was leery of Chavez's Bonapartism. As for that BBC article, it's hardly objective. inflation has been high in Ven for decades now and I seriously doubt their GDP is very much outside the trend found in latin Amrica. no, he no lying. i was singing his praises at one point, as were a few others. but, my praises were simply aimed at specific aspects of his behaviour and personality, not the entire package. hell, i admire certain aspects of george bush junior!
  22. and while GGK is knobbin' you, maybe you'd like to tell me whether you think corporations shuld have rights enjoyed by real live 'merican humanoids.
  23. my thinking is that if you take the immersion test once, it'll give you a starting point that gives you accurate weight to body fat % targets to shoot for, ones that won't change much unless you really put on muscle fast, take steroids, or lose muscle fast. when i get to 155, i'll probably take another immersion test just for fun, but i'm already pretty sure i'll be around 6%.
  24. wayyyyy off. the above formula pegged me at 23%. seemed suspect at the get-go. i've heard the 6 point caliper test is pretty accurate, and that one came within 2% of the immersion test.
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