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Everything posted by JosephH

  1. That'll be a lot of speculative sussing - define 'significant' in a way that any agency official would take as credible. Climber's opinions and perceptions of what's acceptable to the Peregrines never have and never will carry any weight due to the history and clear bias involved. Now if you had the nest location, real traffic numbers and route specifics, and a couple of nesting seasons under your belt you could maybe build a case for it. Beyond that it's all just the same cry of persecution and government injustice that's entirely wasted on anyone who could actually change things.
  2. Because beyond bitching I don't hear or see shit from you relative to doing ANYTHING towards getting us more climbing at Beacon. Dude, you work for the very same WDFW that closes Beacon every single year... Dude, you're the biologist... Have you even once gone and talked to anyone at your agency in a position to lift the closure or in any way change the status quo out at Beacon? Have you spent a moment trying to come up with biological basis for lifting the closure out at Beacon? Have you spent a moment trying to come up with a legal basis for lifting the closure out at Beacon? Have you done anything at all that would get anyone a single extra day of climbing at Beacon? Hey - don't fucking like my trip? Fine, you're the friggin' pro, step the fuck up and get on it - get and keep Beacon open for us - you're obviously just the dude to do it. Until then you can kiss my ass.
  3. Who is the 'they' that spotted the chicks? That there are chicks out there means the Beacon Peregrines are about where I've been thinking they probably were relative to having hatched out. Bodes well for an early open if the pairs are in relative sync in both places. Will be interesting to see how this plays out and if they fledge at approximately the same time.
  4. Again, you either want to deal with the problem or spray about it. Conservatives in general are way into wailing and light on the doing. Most of the doing they do involves stripping money from our lower and middle classes.
  5. Is there some part of this you just aren't getting: They were only able to buy Second Chance Armor at bargain basement prices because of the scandal - they had nothing to do with producing the bad vests - the company they bought after the scandal broke did.
  6. Wiki "Second Chance Armor" and "Armor Holdings" and look at the timelines of the NIJ action and the acquisition.
  7. To be fair to Kanders, the defective vest were made by Second Chance, inc. and Kanders' Armor Holdings scooped them up in August 2005 two months after the National Institute of Justice declared the vests defective in June 2005. Legal work on the issue and fines didn't wrap up for a couple more years. Kanders definitely isn't who I would have running BD, but he wasn't reponsible for the bad vests, Second Chance's previous owner, Richard Davis, was.
  8. Trust me, that's a debt society is in no rush to collect.
  9. Eight-year-olds, Dude - eight-year-olds.
  10. The entire wall over there was fixed when we did Epi. Looked to us like anything one chose to do over there would good. Not sure if anything up on that wall could really be contrived - at least no more contrived than Sandstone Samurai.
  11. No need, I geared up to solo WFLT and Zodiac before doing my shoulder in again. At this point the only agenda I have is wrapping up the lingering...
  12. I would, but don't have the shoulder to blow on aid climbing at this point.
  13. LCK could certainly be the man any day he chooses to man up, walk into work, and get Beacon open for us.
  14. Well, there ya go - what else are ya supposed to do when the wheel keeps coming off the car like clockwork twice a year...
  15. Yeah, definitely 'my' approach. God knows it's an esoteric one - you know, one that involves "talking" with "the man". One that involves trying to figure out what's happening with the birds every year so we can go climbing at Beacon as soon as possible. It's the icky one that involves reading all those nasty laws and regs. You know the one that's yielded about ten extra weeks of Beacon climbing since I began being sick of not climbing until July 15th. True, I admit it's the antithesis of the wailing and whining, stick it to and tell half truths and lies about "the man" approach that's worked so well in the past. But, hell, if it gets me on stone sooner I've pretty much adopted a straightforward fuck you attitude towards those who prefer whining to climbing for the sake of historical political correctness.
  16. It's your agency that's closing the rock. I'm still waiting for you to step up and approach your own agency to keep the rock open all year round. There is no legal way to do that from the outside, but hey, you're the inside man at WDFW. I have no doubt you could make it happen if you would just take advantage of your position and apply yourself to the problem. Until then, my approach gets us more climbing days out there than waiting for July 15th every year.
  17. ask for input and actually listen... too bad our "liason" to the rangers isn't the same way! funny that erik listened to the climbers more than___.... meh, nevermind. Did you or someone else have something new to say I haven't already heard a thousand times already? You know, something that might smack of at least a tenuous grip on reality and Wash. state law and is rooted in this world and not the one with runaway children, pirates, and ticking crocodiles...
  18. Probably still worth one or two folks spending some time out there trying to figure out where they are nesting. It would be helpful to know relative to the management of the place should you succeed in getting climbing reestablished.
  19. Can't tell quite yet, but it's feeling that way so far given how long they've been quiet and down on the nest.
  20. A few more weeks and we should be good...
  21. An ironclad national ID and a $10k fine per employee would shut it down overnight. Ditto for a national ID for healtcare services. It's all a matter of will and how serious you are.
  22. Wrong, employment is the overwhelming driver. Period. $20-25 billion worth.
  23. Enforcing the border is basically irrelevant. Employers are employers, how they pay is irrelevant. The primary reason immigrants are here is employment - the only way to control illegal employment is to maintain tight control over it. Again, securing the borders is the biggest pipedream of them all and the most ineffective way possible to approach the problem. And you call securing the border some form of rationally 'thinking' about the problem - get a grip. Pretty much every aspect of employment happens in the open, employers are fixed in location and it takes a fraction of the resources to enforce, even the 'cash' businesses - it's the ONLY place to control the problem. Republicans and conservatives no doubt dominate corporate and business ownership and management - and guess what? They are the ones directly fucking the American people in the ass by illegally employing immigrants. They are the ones who show no compunction at all in shifting their legitimate costs onto taxpayers. That they then run their mouths and wave their arms over 'illegal immigration' is not only the height of hypocrisy, it's a magnificent scam they pull on honest conservative voters.
  24. Most rightwing politics boil down to finding someone to blame while rightwing 'businessmen' rape and pillage their constituents. It's the same slight-of-hand magicians have been using for years.
  25. Well, well, well - good job. Glad to hear you eased back into something a bit more manageable, but no doubt just as exciting. You're launched...
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