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Everything posted by glassbonghits

  1. Yo, Harpell. Calm down ACE, you sound as amped up whiny bitch who can't construct reasoned argument. Try read what is written rather than read what you want to hear, Ace. Rudy, I kick you fat ass all over mountain. Anyone else want some?
  2. FOAD, poofter boy.
  3. He is weak sauce wankster. Doneky punch clownshow.
  4. Pandora, little hint hunny bun. The top of you brazilian needs to be a little lower, you are peakin out top of your thong.
  5. You ain't sendin' no Black Lung, yak ridin' foo.
  6. Hello donkeypunch. You move to Chamonix instead. There no hard climbings route in worth-leavin. Oh, but you climb nancy boy level anyway so leavenworthless is for you puffster. Mos Chily, you say "polish clownpunch" to Black Bart next time you see ok.
  7. glassbonghits

    Hey, Pax!

    Porno? WTF David dipshit? You need to get out more.
  8. Pit Bull in back. Work well for me.
  9. I thought this thread was going to show your receipt from the hooker.
  10. My hair ain't what I lookin' to have blown.
  11. And Bellingham is full of dumb fucking Pollacks. Did you have a point jerky, or just enjoy running you shit-breath mouth? It's ok, we already know you are barely one step above poo-flinging monkey in cage. Oops, look at the time! Stupid Pollack Bob, I believe you 9:30 appointment for rub n tug is here. Run along now and be a good boy. Mr. 9:30 will tip well if you don't yank out pube while you give him happy finish to "Polish deep tissue massage". Don't like the roads, ride the bus "deepshit".
  12. glassbonghits


    All you pickle puffer ring muscles qualify for award as chief crotch sniffer. Windshit blah blah, listen to me spew out turds from my mouth like link sausage in cheap diner. You nancy boy armchair mountainurs need to grow your pea size testicle and stop spouting you gear store BS and your light and fast 12 hour speed ascent of Das Toofer. Wanks.
  13. This I can not say better myself. So I say "WHAT HE SAID!"
  14. Kofi Anonymous Montreal Exposed
  15. Are you threatening me? I AM THE GREAT BUNGHOLIO!!! You will give me TP!
  16. Crazy ho kick rock on me, I drop coil on your hood. Big nasty pile of Cleveland steamer on your car beyotch! Then I hose down door handle with large amount morning urine. How you like them oranges
  17. Stop your cryink! You all sound like little boy who had bicycle stolen. If you all spend the time training that you spend wanking on your keyboard you will be crushing routes. You are all stagnant like clogged toilet in a retirement home. Same thing all the time, whaaa, I am victim, whaa it's not fair. STOP YOUR CRYINK! Start training.
  18. You crotch gashes sound like a grandma's sewing circle. "please support me, please mollycoddle me, sooth me". Try some suburban nurture my inner-goddess empower meeting.
  19. Who the fuck is Bob, pre-pubescent beanie boy? You have halitosis from talking so much shit. Shouldn't you be taking 47 pictures of pebble wanking or grooming you dirt neck?
  20. Dru you talk shit about as well as senile grandma at a bingo match. You do not even qualify as wanker, only wank stain. Keep trying. Fat boy can climb 12-, but not you. Is it just the sore ass from anal adventures or are you too skinny to climb 12- ?
  21. Get a room sissy boys. All this wanking about when you should be crushing routes and downgrading them.
  22. yeah, I stop in the middle of 5.14b crux to brush the holds AND my teeth. You other wanker climb like a crippled midget.
  23. What is all this wankfest over some route a 12 year old can climb? This is a moderate route at best. Hard? 5.11? You are smoking crack if you believe this. In the Alps this would get zero attention. You crotch sniffer need to sack up long enough to quit punching your clown and climb some real routes.
  24. You wanker are too sissy to just downclimb? Who needs rope.
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