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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I heard this a while ago from a non-climber. Thought maybe there was some fresher news around. Guess not.
  2. What Kevbone means to say is that if you are a retarted assclown like he is, teams of three are slower. Otherwise it is just as fast.
  3. As if there are any secrets left in the Stuart Range.
  4. Anyone know about a gym opening up in the greater south seattle areas?
  5. Atleast we're still better at making porn than the Japanese. Though they do some nice stuff with fecal matter and midgets.
  6. Shit man hate it when adventure starts to seep into my climbing experience. How dreadful.
  7. 'cause then what would argue about on the internets?
  8. Yeah, Pope's so old he sat next to Fred Becky in first grade.
  9. I heard Chuck Norris gives flouride headaches, chills, dizzyness, tremors, and menstrual irregularities.
  10. True, if by "ego" you mean "distain for stupid, overbolted, contrived routes."
  11. Nobody cares that you did the route or whether you would repeat it or not. It sounds pretty fucking geh to me.
  12. Anyone know about a gym opening in south seattle?
  13. If'n there are rocks, roots, divots, depressions, or other obstructions in the trail I wold automatically rate is class 5 because you could fall out of your wheelchair and die and not make your first winter ascent (FWA), and more importantly, not be able to post about it on the interwebs.
  14. All those falls across from ALpental aren't really in. There's too much snow there now anyway.
  15. The mountains have a way of weeding out the retards.
  16. I usually eat more than my share of the dex soup out of the crockpot.
  17. Summit or Death. Either way you win.
  18. Looks uber sick, bro. Are you bringing your dog?
  19. Climbing with a 60 m or even better a 70 m single rope (I like a 9.8mm) with one follower tied in on a large bight about five meters from the end and the other follower tied into the end is also a good way.
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