Saw the show last night..awesome, just so awesome, I hate gory movies and such and so I was worried but what an amazing show and if your at all interested in how your body works and what it looks like inside it is really worth it.
from bodies with no muscles but the whole arterial sytstem's on display, or your central nervous system, or just tendons or just muscles or any combo, just so cool. Pl us all your organs, some healthy some not, a fat man compared to a skinny one, arterial systems of lamb and chickens, your penis..everything
IF your not keen to seeing the fetus plastination then you can walk right by that room, but seeing a fetus from 8 weeks to 33 was pretty amazing.
awesome show
apparantly, 500 americans signed up to donate their body, and 18 canadians.
The show in NY right now is a copy cat show from an Asian artist..with shady ties on his body donations, this show all bodies have been donated.
Science World