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Everything posted by jmace

  1. ya geuss I should asked avitripps question first..haha
  2. WHAT....takem out..holy crap
  3. jmace


    cause they are freakin morons...hmm lets see you got american cops searching every vehicle in your line up...yup your in danger run along..
  4. 5.12 who cares..hopefully they dont climb..how would they manage to keep such soft skin and purdy nails there shirts should say I love to climb on
  5. they just keep trying random numbers..they dont need your stinking card
  6. those are called men
  7. Jibber
  8. just puked in my mouth
  9. Safety no, they are both safe, durabilty and weight yea..I have the 7.5 twins so for me to get the 8.0 halfs...not really a point..ill get the 8.5's and save a few bucks and weights ok since most times ill have a third person when I use the halfs if this is your only rope for alpine, id get the 8.0's, nice and light and beautiful rope. then on easy routes you just double it up and you hae a nice light system in the end probably not too much of a difference...about half pound
  10. thank god or id hate that too!!
  11. you guys are very whiny..wow you actually care how biners go on your harness...thats honestly freakn crazy....I couldnt care less. Dog bone draws can have their biner orientatd any way you want..the rigid plastic thing is the end that attaches to the rope so when you clip, the biner does not move around...you do not clip this end to the bolt or the pro..
  12. jmace

    Body worlds 3

    i think the seattle one was a difft artist..they didnt bring the horse to Vasncouver cause it wouldnt fit, its in Denver or Boston right now
  13. Replaced a toilet when it magically cracked...tenants downstairs..um my ceiling is leaking..tenants upstairs..oh we dont know how it broke..ok well can you turn the water off till I get their..? ok..I get their and the sink supply is turned off.. weirdo's I think they were doin a little.. on my toilet..freakin 100 bones for a new one..
  14. geuss I coulda read above, so the less stones in a glacier the better able it is to remove more rocks as the glacier is not already full of rocks, same goes for a river. Exact opposite of what CBS said
  15. Now I have no expertise in this area, and your answer seems intuitive but would you say the same thing about a river? I.E. would you say a river with silt or stones in it would have an easier time eroding a river bank or rock than a clear silt free river? Does that apply to glaciers then? I.E. A silty or tiny stones embedded in a glacier would be better at eroding rock than a silt or tiny stone free glacier?
  16. how bout a nudes women of cc.com like those ski calendars..?
  17. they sell at the gas station where you buy your pass
  18. jmace


    california E-coli Spinach..mmm
  19. jmace

    Body worlds 3

    any ways jim, all the stuff you just posted and have posted is in regards to a whole other show... the show I saw is called body world not bodies..two different artists with two different ways of obtaining bodies...
  20. jmace

    Body worlds 3

    from your site, it explicitly says:
  21. jmace

    Body worlds 3

    Saw the show last night..awesome, just so awesome, I hate gory movies and such and so I was worried but what an amazing show and if your at all interested in how your body works and what it looks like inside it is really worth it. from bodies with no muscles but the whole arterial sytstem's on display, or your central nervous system, or just tendons or just muscles or any combo, just so cool. Pl us all your organs, some healthy some not, a fat man compared to a skinny one, arterial systems of lamb and chickens, your penis..everything IF your not keen to seeing the fetus plastination then you can walk right by that room, but seeing a fetus from 8 weeks to 33 was pretty amazing. awesome show apparantly, 500 americans signed up to donate their body, and 18 canadians. The show in NY right now is a copy cat show from an Asian artist..with shady ties on his body donations, this show all bodies have been donated. Science World
  22. jmace

    eh HEM!

    Ive learned that all answers related to anything weather is always global warming....
  23. jmace

    eh HEM!

  24. you wanna make a crag pack..you should be copying Burton..those guys are so far ahead of any one else its awesome..for instance this pack -36 L -Removable Chair -Lined Cooler Compartment with 40 Ounce Champagne Chimney Extension -Easy-Access Laptop Compartment (Fits 12 in. Laptop) -Deck of Cards, Shot Glass and Bottle Opener Zipper Pull Ipod holder with speakers built in for loungin thats just one pack they have so many, the built in neoprene cooler and stero system is freakin awesome used this pack the other day at the beach Burton]http://www.burton.com/ProductDetail.aspx?pid=441]Burton[/url][/url] -
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