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Everything posted by jmace

  1. jmace

    eh HEM!

    from the bottom this morning
  2. Fern was right the can tire solar panel was jingus..barely powered up the ipod..didnt even break out the DVD..good thing the weather rocked the nation for two weeks maybe try the 12 w next year..
  3. half ropes with the seconders tied in to one rope each, then use the atc guide or whatever belay device you want, atc works fine as well. Leader climbs then seconders follow at same time or slighty skewed.. J
  4. you guys are all crazy first of all the guy straight up asks about his wrists hurting: Second tape gloves are for wussies!
  5. Posted Aug 30th Chilliwack Weather Forecast 12 days in advance..not bad although I hope I am wrong
  6. Really..I can either tie you up or stand there for days wacking you with 20 gram soft edge object..
  7. apparently thats not true..Global Dimming..do a search
  8. thanks, ya that book is limited, Dru needs to re-write Fairly
  9. well he did say most people dont use black diamond stuff...
  10. Jens sounds like a whiny chick..and Roy married a man you people are all sick
  11. what face..? North
  12. agreed, but with twins or halfs you can always just use a single..cant the other way around..I suppose if you have the loot buy all three if you can. he did say
  13. what happens if you need to bail..emergency, weather..? raps are all 30 m?
  14. so now youve got a single alpine rope, which is fairly pointless since you most often need two, its 2 pounds heavier, takes 2/3 less falls and cost the same as two ropes..? I love my twins
  15. pretty sure blackcomb closed over a month ago..little late for that one
  16. quote]following on the checked baggage side of things, he mentioned that one proposal that TSA is seriously floating is limiting each passenger to one checked bag (no sporting equipment, i.e. skis, bikes, golf clubs etc). I can see it now, no more flights for whistler, banff, and Vail customers...
  17. ya smarter would be to say well they wont try that again.. or they can ban everything..I dont think rope is a far stretch as a banned carry on item..seems reasonable to me same as pretty much anything on my rack...
  18. just wait till january and pm me, in the mean time see if you cant find some folks to head to the baker seracs with..I think fishstick lives in them seracs maybe give him a PM see you in a few months
  19. Even after you checked your bags..? bet that would delay the flight why would you try and board a flight with rope as a carry on?
  21. Hey who wants to go to lillooet, ill pay the gas if you do the leadin...?
  22. the climb is one hard move 5 feet off the ground then its 30 feet of 5.0 climbing...and the start isnt even the same since the dirt is so eroded..kinda like crime of the century..
  23. see the difference all those dots at the end of your sentences actually mean something its like morse code Men are easy and women are ......
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