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Everything posted by jmace

  1. how about a goretex jacket, long underwear, socks, mid layers, down jacket, boots, axe crampons..the list goes on even if you rent tools you still need a full array of outdoor gear and that doesnt get you out overnight or deal with snow shoes, skiis... My point being its not like any other easily accesible sport such as rugby, swimming, basketball, soccer where the entry costs are not overwhelming
  2. ya good idea I mean that road only goes to fluffy kitten any ways...
  3. hahaha, thats funny, Mountain Climbing for under 500$ hahaha Hard sacrifices Carolyn...I think sometime we forget how good we have it
  4. YUP sounds like Joe works within media cause thats spot on, even bit understated. Damn Right!
  5. A few more hours and its on!!!!!! Winter is on our doorstep
  6. yea, crazy thought it was 2007, nope 2009 thanks stink
  7. The canadians are a** holes at the border...I have two passports a can. and and am. and I forgot the can. one and they told me that it was a privelege not a right that they let me back into canada..this was 3 weeks ago. the post stinky posted is about coming home to USA what about entering Canada..? I think its 2007
  8. Yup, you need a passport in 2007. They just extended the deadline from Jan 7th 07 till later in January 2007, I think the 28th
  9. Right, beacons are not standard "climbing" gear
  10. Yup, although the one I saw had the rocks cropped out.
  11. maybe different pics then, pretty weird if it was an obvious slung rock to go ahead and deduce it was a Y indicating a position. Any ways, as per the original question, no you dont use the letter Y to indicate Yes im here
  12. have you seen the picture DFA...?,
  13. Climbers avoid big snow like the plague, so 99% of the time its not avalanche conditions and beacons are not warranted
  14. They called it a Y with the picture and continue to do so..
  15. its called an equalized anchor, this one was in the snow...the media is so far out of their element its the best they could come up with...
  16. stay in golden, theres nothin in field
  17. hahaha...ya when you fall 2 feet above your gear dunno if id call that a fall...what your pro's at your knee..
  18. Z2P16HvM2iI Drews handy work and stemalots skills
  19. Rambles...its like a good song you played too many times...
  20. 5 pairs of cheapest closest fitting gloves..I dont spend more than 20$ they all get wet anyways
  21. maybe that breeze will kick up and freeze some ice...
  22. pretty sure thats the first line in how to climb ice, it says do not do that... go to store swing some tools and see what feels best and buy those if yo dont have the loot to spend then try and find them used..for instance I cant stand those cobras, heavy, hard to remove, to wide of a grip...but one of my parnters loves them..its like boots or shoes you gotta try em on
  23. Thank God...the bumper stickers and dreamcatchers made me worried... Ya that was it..it was a great gas saver and was really fun as we 4X4'd up to some flow in Lytton..never a widow or sumtin or never married..dunno, as the rest of the ice in bc it was still flowin I do know I paid 80$ in gas to link up two 10 meter pitches of ice, almost forgot what its like to ice climb in BC..
  24. Motorcylcists have this down pat..talk to any full time rider or go to a MC store and pick up the antifog sticker for inside your visor
  25. Aweseome Fern...cant believe you guys got on Jackass..looked a little to sloppy to us..at least for what we were expecting.. We climbed after the gold rush which was ok...very short lived difficulties Was that your car at the campground..please tell me you didnt trade the truck for that..? geuss now we just wait till January..
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